Juana Reina

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Juana Reina

Juana Reina (* 25. August 1925 in Seville , Spain ; † 19th March 1999 ibid) was a Spanish actress and copla andaluza - singer .

She became the most popular copla singer of the 1940s and made films like La lola se va a los puertos , Lola, la piconera and Canelita en Rama . She is the singer who sang classics such as Francisco Alegre and Capote de grana y oro by the composer trio Quintero, León and Quiroga for the first time. In 1978 she appeared on the TV show Cantares . In 1992 she sang with Rocio Jurado , Imperio Argentina and María Vidal in the copla musical Azabache .

Juana Reina died of respiratory failure .

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