July catfish

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July catfish
July armored catfish (Corydoras julii)

July armored catfish ( Corydoras julii )

Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Subordination : Loricarioidei
Family : Armored and calloused catfish (Callichthyidae)
Genre : Corydoras
Type : July catfish
Scientific name
Corydoras julii
Steindachner , 1906
Three-banded armored catfish

The July armored catfish ( Corydoras julii ) is an armored catfish that looks similar to the three- banded armored catfish ( Corydoras trilineatus ). July armored catfish is also not a Leopard armored catfish Corydoras leopardus , with which it is also often confused. Corydoras julii only come from the same genus as Corydoras trilineatus , but have developed parallel to them.


The July armored catfish is native to certain tributaries of the Amazon , in South America: Brazil; Maranhão, inlet of the Rio Parnaíba near the Alto Parnaíba (09 ° 08'S, 45 ° 56'W).

Other sites: Brazil, rivers in the state of Pará .


The male grows up to 5 cm and the female up to 6 cm, the achievable age is 5 to 10 years. As you can see when looking at the pictures, the Corydoras julii is the much finer spotted species. However, C. trilineatus is much more robust than C. julii .

Fin formula : dorsal 1/7, anal 1/7


If it is kept in an aquarium, it is important that it is kept in a swarm of at least 5 animals and that there are many hiding places in the aquarium. Suitable water values ​​are a temperature of 22 to 26 ° C and a pH value of 6.0 to 7.5. The water hardness should have a KH value of 2 to 5 ° and a GH value of 2 to 15 ° d. The aquarium should have at least 80 liters.


The July armored catfish is omnivorous and feeds on algae, detritus , small animals and parts of plants. The following fish food is suitable in the aquarium : Live food ( Artemia , mosquito larvae , Daphnia , Tubifex ), frozen food and dry food (tablets, food flakes).


In the wild, the armored catfish perform their typical mating behavior after the rainy season , when the water has warmed up again, because after the rainy season there are a lot of suspended matter and therefore also prey in the water. The rain makes the water much softer, so a conductivity of around 60 μS should be selected for breeding.

The best way to multiply in the aquarium is after one to three days of cooling the water by two to three degrees, replicating the rainy season, and rich feeding, followed by rewarming. It is best to put together breeding groups with a ratio of two males to one female; the animals also mate in larger groups in nature. The animals perform a special mating behavior in which the male circles the female and twitches strongly, the female cleans certain areas in the aquarium (panes and undersides of leaves) in order to then attach the approx. 100 eggs to them, which the male then fertilizes. The eggs should be separated from the adults. At 26 to 28 ° C, the larvae need about 5 days to hatch. The larvae are very small and almost transparent. Two to three days after hatching, when the yolk sac has been used up, the larvae can be fed with newly hatched Artemia . The finest flake food can be given later.

The offspring of C. julii is extremely difficult because the animals are strong and healthy enough only with very specific water values.

Web links

Commons : Corydoras julii  - collection of images, videos and audio files