Julia Isídrez

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Julia Isídrez (born February 16, 1967 in Itá , Departamento Central ) is a Paraguayan ceramic artist .

life and work

Julia Isídrez was born in 1967 in the city of Itá as the daughter of Juana Marta Rodas and learned traditional female pottery from her mother in the fourth generation in an individual way.

“Rodas 'and Isídrez' works reveal a deeper awareness of function through the radical effect of absence: none of the figures functions as a vessel. In an environment in which ceramics are primarily used to carry water and serve food, they are completely outside of tradition and yet within this tradition they can be understood as aesthetic objects. "


Julia Isídrez and her mother Juana Marta Rodas have participated in international exhibitions at the Museo del Barro , Asunción (1995, 1998, 1999, 2009), the Trienal de Chile (2009) and the Bienal do Mercosul in Porto Alegre (1999). In 2012, the ceramic works were shown at dOCUMENTA (13) in Kassel.

In addition to numerous other prestigious awards, Rodas and Isídrez received the Prince Claus Prize in 1999 .

In 2010, ceramics by Julia Isídrez could be seen in the Centro Cultural del Lago in Areguá . Together with Ediltrudis Noguera, Julia Isídrez exhibited in Paris in 2010 under the title Paraguay Esquivo , curator : Adriana Almada.

Individual evidence

  1. dOCUMENTA (13). The accompanying book / The Guidebook. Catalog 3/3., Page 114, 2012, ISBN 978-3-7757-2954-3
  2. dOCUMENTA (13) Juana Marta Rhodas and Julia Isídrez , accessed on July 5, 2015.