Julie Dreyfus

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Julie Dreyfus (2007)

Julie Dreyfus (* 24. January 1966 in Paris ) is a French actress . She is best known for her role in the movie Kill Bill - Volume 1 .


The daughter of Francis Dreyfus and Pascale Audret began studying Japanese in 1985 at the National Institute for Oriental Languages ​​and Cultures at the University of Paris , as an interest in Japanese architecture had developed during her studies . After studying interior design , she moved to Osaka University to improve her language skills. After this intensive course, she worked as an interior designer in Japan . The Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) hired Dreyfus for their educational television in French . As a result of this activity, she gained great fame in the Japanese television landscape. Over time she appeared in various programs, for example as a guest judge in the cooking show Ryōri no Tetsujin .

She met Quentin Tarantino during a film festival in Japan . Dreyfus later supported Tarantino with the kill bill casting in Japan. The role of Sofie Fatale in this film was cast by Tarantino with Dreyfus. She also appeared in Tarantino's film Inglourious Basterds .



Web links

Commons : Julie Dreyfus  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files