Julius Hintz

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Julius Hintz (* 1805 in Hamburg ; † December 4, 1861 in Paris ) was a German landscape and marine painter .


The Hamburg painter Julius Hintz was a student of Siegfried Detlev Bendixen . From 1833 Hintz stayed in Paris, where he took part in the Paris Salon with works from 1845 . Around 1840 he was then a student in the studio of the marine painter Eugène Isabey . Around 1850 Hintze moved to England, where he worked as a landscape and marine painter.

According to the death register in the Paris Archives, Hintz died in 1861 in the 10th arrondissement , but reference works often mention the year 1862.

Works (selection)

View of Dieppe , undated
  • Fort St.-Pierre, near Cette , 1834, whereabouts unknown
  • Port of Hamburg , 1842, oil on canvas, Carcassonne, Musée des beaux-arts
  • View of the port of Cette , 1849, oil / canvas, 74 × 111 cm, Montpellier, Musée Fabre
  • The port of Sète , 1849, oil / canvas, Sète, Musée Paul Valéry
  • Port landscape (A village in Normandy) , 1849, oil / canvas, Roanne, Musée Joseph Déchelette
  • View of the port of Dieppe , 1850, oil / canvas, 49 × 79 cm, inv. No. 853-1-2, Tours, Musée des beaux-arts
  • The port of Beuzeval in Dives , before 1861, whereabouts unknown
  • Harbor landscape , before 1862, oil / canvas, 27.5 × 41.3 cm, Nantes, Musée des beaux-arts
  • View of a village in Brittany , oil / canvas, Roanne, Musée Joseph Déchelette
  • Landscape , undated, oil / canvas, Carcassonne, Musée des beaux-arts
  • The docks on the banks of Greenwich , undated, oil / oak, 31.5 × 50 cm, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv. No. 3144


  • Thieme-Becker , Volume XVII (1924), p. 119.
  • Frauke Josenhans: Hintz, Julius , in: Savoy, Bénédicte and Nerlich, France (ed.): Paris apprenticeship years. A lexicon for training German painters in the French capital. Volume 1: 1793–1843 , Berlin / Boston 2013, pp. 113–115.
  • Maike Bruhns : Hintz (Hintze), Julius . In: The new rump. Lexicon of visual artists from Hamburg, Altona and the surrounding area . Ed .: Rump family. Revised new edition of Ernst Rump's dictionary . Supplemented and revised by Maike Bruhns, Wachholtz, Neumünster 2013, ISBN 978-3-529-02792-5 , p. 200.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Archives de Paris: Décès , death register entry no. 4186, digitized view 19/31. Retrieved January 3, 2019 (French).