Jumpp. Your stepping stone to self-employment

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jumpp. Your springboard to self-employment GmbH is a consulting and service company for female founders and self-employed women in trading, production and service companies in Frankfurt am Main . Under the sponsoring association jumpp - Frauenbetriebe e. V. regional and international networks for women entrepreneurs are brought together.

The non-profit association was founded in 1984 by actors of the autonomous women's movement , the Frankfurt sociologists Lu Haas (1944–1991) and Gudrun Krieger (* 1944). Co-initiator was the sociologist, business and political advisor Dörthe Jung .

The women's businesses. Qualification for professional independence e. V. was renamed jumpp in 2010. Your stepping stone to self-employment. In 2019, the company, which is now also including men in the consulting program, celebrated its 35th anniversary.

Jumpp eV office building; Hamburger Allee 96, 60486 Frankfurt am Main

Founding history

The feminist project Frauenbetriebe was developed as a labor market policy initiative in the Frankfurt women's school (1982–2013). The organization Frauenbetriebe - women create their own jobs e. V . The aim was to qualify long-term unemployed women for self-created jobs with needs-based business concepts. The association, initially run as a branch of the women's school and from 1985 independently run by Lu Haas and Gudrun Krieger, developed a socio-economic consulting concept that took into account the economic aspects of a start-up, but also personal factors such as the social environment, personal motivation and industry knowledge of the participants. Business administration, commercial and technical expertise as well as financing and communication strategies for female entrepreneurs were taught in one-and-a-half-year training cycles and weekly courses.

In 1988, the start-up center, the first nationwide, moved into a former factory building on Hamburger Allee in Frankfurt-Bockenheim. The advisory service was initially aimed at women in the trade and girls in commercial professions: the facility on around 1,000 square meters housed metal and wood workshops, a commercial kitchen and in-house childcare with a total of 25 workplaces.

At the same time, the women's businesses opened a shop as a point of sale, initially for the handicraft and design products manufactured in the women's businesses, at its current location on Leipziger Strasse .

Women's business in Frankfurt, Leipziger Strasse 5

Further areas of work of the organization were and are to this day, among others, help with the search for a job, advice on other employment initiatives and the establishment of a research center on employment initiatives by women. Participants in the courses and qualification programs of the women's companies came from all over Germany, and after 1989 also from the new federal states.

Like the Frankfurt women's school, the Verein Frauenbetriebe e. V. a women's project typical of the 1980s. The qualification program was developed from the social and labor market policy demands of the autonomous women's movement in order to counter the structural disadvantage of women in the labor market and to create concrete opportunities for professional and economic independence. Important aspects are the compatibility of family and work for mothers and single parents as well as opportunities to re-enter the job market.

Household, job content and development

The company Frauenbetriebe, as an example for other women's project start-ups, was largely supported in the beginning by feminist commitment and personal contribution , so the then head Lu Haas in 1987 in a résumé of the start-up phase. While the project was being set up, the sociologists Haas and Krieger, often working up to 60 hours a week in the project, financed themselves through unemployment benefits or severance payments from previous employments. From the mid-1980s, the women's businesses project was financed by federal, state and EC funds.

As part of their work for the women's companies, the managers and a. together with the management consultant Dörthe Jung and the politician Marita Haibach (DIE GRÜNEN) on the implementation of the first Hessian action program for women in the then red-green coalition in the Hessian state parliament . From this program followed the political anchoring of women’s policy in Hesse, such as the first Hessian women’s promotion plan for state administration and universities in 1987 and the Hessian Equal Rights Act 1993.

Since the women's department was founded in 1989, the City of Frankfurt am Main has supported the association as a resource-oriented pioneering and exemplary project.

From 1992 the association expanded the trade network for women founders in Frankfurt by establishing international trade relations with Northern Ireland, Greece, Albania and Novosibirsk, among others. In 2003, the EQUAL project of the European Union women way of entrepreneurship followed .

In 1994, the publicly funded non-profit Frankfurt Women's Employment Society (GFFB) was founded with the labor market policy expertise of the women's companies. At the center of this society is the reintegration of women into working life.

Special campaigns for the professional advancement of women

  • UFO - Entrepreneur Forum Rhein-Main and Das Netz , since 1997
  • Hesse-wide control center for company succession, since 2008
  • Intercultural cooperation project migrant women fit for the job market with berami berufliche Integration e. V. , Since 2006
  • State-wide coordination center Women & Business in Hesse, since 2013
  • Network exchange Hessischer Unternehmerinnentag, since 2011
  • Founding a mentoring project for women migrants and the follow-up project for women with refugee experience for the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), since 2015


Since it was founded, the Frankfurt women's companies have been working for equal opportunities for women in the areas of employment , the labor market , business start-ups and independent livelihoods at regional, national and international level:

“As the first project that trains women to set up their own businesses, we met with great interest wherever new ways of combating unemployment are being considered. We are invited to national and international conferences and belong to a new EC commission for local employment initiatives for women ”

- Lu Haas 1987 in a text contribution.

In the more than three decades of its work, the pioneering project that emerged from the new women's movement has developed the skilled labor potential of women and has made a significant contribution to the labor market and economic development, including through models for more flexible and family-conscious working time regulations , through the development of networks for women entrepreneurs and through mentoring programs for migrant women.

According to the company, around 15,000 women have been supported in setting up independent businesses by 2020.

Publications by the founders

  • Lu Haas, Dörthe Jung, Barbara Rendtorff: On the situation of self-organized women's education work. An overview. Association of social science research and education for women, Frankfurt am Main 1984.
  • Lu Haas: The effort to maintain autonomy. The Frankfurt women's companies in the field of tension between independence and state politics . In: Social extra. Journal for Social Work and Social Policy , H. 4, 1987, pp. 13-17.
  • Lu Haas: Women and Money. The Frankfurt women's companies. In: Social extra. Journal for social work and social policy , H. 12, 1987, pp. 9-13.
  • Lu Haas: Complete overview of programs for promoting small businesses in the Federal Republic of Germany . In: CEDEFOP - European Center for the Promotion of Vocational Training (Ed.): Contributions to the seminar on “Business creation: the role of training in the context of political support measures”. Berlin, Luxemburg 1991. ISBN 92-826-2519-2 .
  • Lu Haas (Frauenbetriebe), Peter Schuh (IQUI), Henri Le Marois (ESPACE): The effects of politics to promote the establishment of smaller companies in the Federal Republic of Germany, especially in the new federal states (former GDR). Synthesis report . Published by CEDEFOP - European Center for the Development of Vocational Training. Berlin, Luxemburg 1992. ISBN 92-826-4323-9 .
  • Lu Haas, Gudrun Krieger: Women are starting their own business. Guide to starting a business . Published by the representatives of the Hessian state government for women's affairs. Wiesbaden no year
  • Gudrun Krieger: Women's projects - planning, financing, implementation. In: Margrit Brückner (Ed.): Women and social management . Lambertus publishing house, Freiburg / Br. 1992, ISBN 978-3-7841-0620-5 , pp. 123-147.

Publication of jumpp. Your stepping stone to self-employment

Web links

Commons : Jumpp. Your springboard to self-employment  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gudrun Krieger: Women's projects - planning, financing, implementation . In: Margrit Brückner (Ed.): Women and social management . Verlag Lambertus, Freiburg / Breisgau 1992, ISBN 978-3-7841-0620-5 , p. 123-147 .
  2. Commercial register announcements of December 21, 2010. Federal Gazette.
  3. a b c Mechthild Harting: The welder is no longer in fashion . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . February 10, 2014, p. 35 .
  4. ^ A b c Lu Haas: The Effort to Preserve Autonomy: The Frankfurt Women’s Businesses in the Field of Tension Between Independence and State Politics . In: Social extra. Journal of Social Work and Social Policy . Volume 4, 1987, pp. 13-17 .
  5. Women's companies QBS e. V./Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main / Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt GmbH / Chamber of Industry and Commerce Frankfurt am Main (Ed.): The network. The Rhein-Main-Verbund for female entrepreneurs . Frankfurt am Main 1998, p. 5 .
  6. Feeling for the customer. Association supports women in their professional independence . In: Frankfurter Rundschau . July 15, 2008, p. 17 .
  7. Other similar institutions were founded later, e.g. B. Goldrausch Kontour , Berlin (1988), WeiberWirtschaft e. G., Berlin (1989), Hanover Entrepreneurship Center (1997).
  8. ^ Gudrun Krieger: Women's projects - planning, financing, implementation . In: Margrit Brückner (Ed.): Women and social management . Lambertus publishing house, Freiburg / Breisgau 1992, p. 125 .
  9. Mechthild Harting: The female path to independence . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . February 7, 2020, p. 31 .
  10. ^ Lu Haas: Complete overview of programs for the promotion of small businesses in the Federal Republic of Germany . In: CEDEFOP - European Center for the Promotion of Vocational Training (Ed.): Contributions to the seminar on “Business creation : the role of training in the context of political support measures.” Berlin, Luxemburg 1991, ISBN 92-826-2519-2 , p. 7-21 .
  11. On the death of Lu Haas. Excerpt from the funeral speech by Dörthe Jung . In: Frankfurter Frauenblatt . No. 6 , 1991, pp. 30-31 .
  12. a b Irene Mayer-List: The boss's dream. In: ZEIT Online. March 8, 1991, accessed April 6, 2020 .
  13. Dörthe Jung: How the women's movement moved Frankfurt. New beginnings and rebellion: The new women's movement in Frankfurt. 1968-1990. Lecture as part of the event series of the German Architecture Museum DAM “STADT plus. Die Stadt + der Feminismus ”as well as the exhibition“ Frau Architekt ”. In: http://www.doerthejung-consult.com . October 4, 2017, p. 9 , accessed April 8, 2020 .
  14. Dieter Posch: Foreword . In: Women's businesses. Qualification for professional independence e. V. (Ed.): Focus on female founders and entrepreneurs. Results of a customer survey on start-up profiles, requirements and company situations . Frankfurt, S. 2 ( jumpp.de [PDF]).
  15. Hannah Glaser: Entrepreneur. Business in niches . In: Wirtschaftswoche . No. 33 , August 11, 1989, pp. 69 .
  16. Dörthe Jung: The discreet entry into power . In: Hessian State Center for Political Education and WEIBH e. V. (Ed.): FrauenStadtGeschichte. For example: Frankfurt am Main . Helmer, Königstein 1995, ISBN 3-927164-29-1 , p. 198 .
  17. Bündnis 90 / DIE GRÜNEN, Landesverband Hessen: Acting gender equitably - New departure in women's politics. Lead proposal . 2010 ( gruene-hessen.de [PDF]).
  18. a b Jumpp. Your stepping stone to self-employment: For a different culture of self-employment: impulses & role models for 35 years. In: https://www.jumpp.de . P. 2 , accessed April 8, 2020 .
  19. ^ The Frankfurt Economic Development Agency in 1999 - balance sheet press conference. Frankfurt Economic Development - GmbH, December 31, 1999, accessed on March 9, 2020 .
  20. Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth: Activities by and for female entrepreneurs and start-ups in the field of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - Nationwide overview - Hesse. (PDF) Retrieved March 9, 2020 .
  21. INVITATION Consultation day corporate succession. (PDF) In: Business start-up portal Hessen. Retrieved March 9, 2020 .
  22. Tips on succession in companies . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . March 11, 2016, p. 33 .
  23. MiA migrants fit for the job market. Retrieved March 9, 2020 .
  24. Invitation to the 18th Hessian Women Entrepreneurs' Day: Found a successful business - grow strategically. August 22, 2019, accessed March 25, 2020 .
  25. Sarah Koldehoff: Business women feel disadvantaged . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . 23 August 2019, p. 33 .
  26. Institute for SME Research, Chair for SME Research and Entrepreneurship, jumpp - Frauenbetriebe e. V. (Ed.): Accompanying scientific research and evaluation of the project "Founding female migrants - female entrepreneurs" . Mannheim, Frankfurt am Main 2017.
  27. Potential and Perspectives. jumpp - your spring bed for self-employment, accessed on March 1, 2020 .
  28. 25 years of recognition respect for diversity. Chronology. beramí vocational integration e. V., April 2015, accessed April 8, 2020 .

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