Jungermannia hyalina

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Jungermannia hyalina
Jungermannia hyalina (a, 113308-471324) 2395.JPG

Jungermannia hyalina

Class : Jungermanniopsida
Subclass : Jungermanniidae
Order : Jungermanniales
Family : Jungermanniaceae
Genre : Jungermannia
Type : Jungermannia hyalina
Scientific name
Jungermannia hyalina

Jungermannia hyalina (synonym: Solenostoma hyalinum (Lyell) Mitt.) Is a species of moss from the order of the Jungermanniales .


The stems are 0.5 to 2 centimeters long and branched in tufts. They have water-white, rarely reddish rhizoids . They form pale green to reddish lawns. The flank leaves are circular, the upper ones are partially slightly edged. In the middle of the leaf, the cells are 25 to 35 × 35 to 40 micrometers in size, and they have distinct triangular to nodular corner thickenings. At the end of the stem there are sometimes spear-shaped sub-leaves. Each cell contains two to ten oil bodies . The perianth is conical and extends little beyond the bracts.

Distribution and locations

The species occurs circumboreal. In Germany it occurs scattered in lower and middle mountain ranges, in lower regions it is very rare. It grows on moist, lime-free, loamy bare soils, especially pioneer sites, as well as on lime-free rocks.

supporting documents

  • Jan-Peter Frahm, Wolfgang Frey, J. Döring: Moosflora . 4th, revised and expanded edition (UTB for Science, Volume 1250). Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8001-2772-5 (Ulmer) & ISBN 3-8252-1250-5 (UTB).