Jungermannia obovata

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Jungermannia obovata
Jungermannia obovata (a, 113211-465957) 0022.JPG

Jungermannia obovata

Class : Jungermanniopsida
Subclass : Jungermanniidae
Order : Jungermanniales
Family : Jungermanniaceae
Genre : Jungermannia
Type : Jungermannia obovata
Scientific name
Jungermannia obovata

Jungermannia obovata is a species of moss from the order of the Jungermanniales .


The stems are up to five centimeters long and have red-violet, rarely water-white or brownish rhizoids . They form cloudy to brown-green lawns. Fresh mosses smell like carrots . The flank leaves are broadly ovate to elliptical, rarely nearly circular. In the middle of the leaf, the cells are 20 to 30 × 30 to 45 micrometers in size and hardly thickened at the cell corners. Each cell has two to five oil bodies . The perianth is conical and does not protrude or only slightly over the bracts.

Distribution and locations

The species has a boreal-montane distribution and occurs in Europe and North America. In Germany it occurs in the Alps and in the Alpine foothills, as well as in higher areas of the low mountain ranges. It grows on wet, lime-free rock and on gravelly boggy soil.

supporting documents

  • Jan-Peter Frahm, Wolfgang Frey, J. Döring: Moosflora . 4th, revised and expanded edition (UTB for Science, Volume 1250). Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8001-2772-5 (Ulmer) & ISBN 3-8252-1250-5 (UTB).