Juozas Matulis

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Juozas Matulis (* 1899 in Tatkonys , Wolost Skapiškis , now Kupiškis Rajongemeinde , † 1993 in Vilnius ) was a Lithuanian chemist, professor and prorector.


1912 graduated Matulis primary school Juodpėnai and 1914-1917 attended high school in Liepaja . In 1924 he graduated from the Kaunas adult high school . Then he studied at the technical and from 1925 at the mathematics and natural science faculty of the Lietuvos universitetas . In 1929 he graduated. From 1931 to 1933 he studied further at the University of Leipzig . In 1934 he received his doctorate at the VDU on the subject of "Fotodichroizmo tyrinėjimai organinių dažų-kolodio ir želatinos sistemose". In 1936 he completed his habilitation and then taught as a private lecturer . From 1940 he taught as a professor at the Vilniaus universitetas . From 1941 he was a member of the Lietuvos mokslų akademija and from 1944 to 1945 Vice-Rector of Vilnius University . He was the founder of the Lithuanian Electrochemistry School.

From 1950 Matulis was a member of the CPSU , from 1956 to 1986 of the central committee of the Lietuvos komunistų partija . From 1947 to 1963 he was a deputy in the Supreme Soviet in Soviet Lithuania and from 1950 to 1979 a deputy in the Supreme Soviet in the Soviet Union .

His grave is in the Antakalnis cemetery .




  • Juozas Matulis. Autobiografiniai bruožai. Atsiminimai. TI - Vilnius: TEV, 1999. - 293 p. iliustr. - ISBN 9986546524 . - T. 2. Mokslo populiarieji straipsniai. Publicistics. - 359 p .: iliustr.
  • Juozas Matulis: literatūros rodyklė (Sud. Audronė Steponaitienė). - Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademijos biblioteka, 1999. - 204 p. - ISBN 9986-498-19-8

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