Antakalnis cemetery

Memorial for victims of the Vilnius Bloody Sunday
Pieta for defenders of the Vilnius TV tower
The Antakalnis Cemetery ( lit.Antakalnio kapinės ) is a cemetery in Antakalnis , in the Vilnius district in Lithuania . Formerly known as the military cemetery (lit. Karių kapinės ). The cemetery was created in 1809. The victims of the Vilnius Blood Sunday are buried here alongside others . Their graves are often visited as they are considered national heroes. One of the memorials commemorates the dead of the Grande Armée , which invaded Russia in 1812 . The Antakalnis cemetery is known as the "Pantheon of the Republic of Lithuania".
- Loreta Asanavičiūtė (1967–1991), victim for the independence of Lithuania
- Algirdas Brazauskas (1932–2010), politician, President of Lithuania
- Teodor Bujnicki (1907–1944), Polish poet
- Romualdas Granauskas (1939–2014), Lithuanian writer and dramaturge
- Petras Griškevičius , Soviet-Lithuanian functionary
- Hubertas Grušnys (1961–2006), Lithuanian entrepreneur
- Jurga Ivanauskaitė (1961–2007), Lithuanian writer
- Raimundas Katilius (1947–2000), Lithuanian violinist
- Vytautas Kernagis (1951-2008), singer and songwriter
- Vytautas Antanas Kleiza (1919–2007), Soviet-Lithuanian politician and surgeon
- Jonas Kubilius (1921–2011), Lithuanian mathematician
- Justinas Marcinkevičius (1930–2011), Lithuanian writer
- Janina Miščiukaitė-Brazaitienė (1948–2008), Lithuanian singer
- Justinas Nekrašas (1927–1997), engineer and politician
- Justas Paleckis (1899–1980), Soviet-Lithuanian politician
- Rolandas Pavilionis (1944–2006), politician and philosopher
- Jonas Riškus (1922–2018), Lithuanian literary scholar, professor
- Ieva Simonaitytė (1897–1978), Lithuanian writer
- Antanas Sniečkus (1903–1974), Soviet-Lithuanian functionary
- Saulius Sondeckis (1928–2016), conductor and university professor
- Antanas Sučila (1917–2017), surgeon and professor
- Antanas Šurna (1940-2014), Lithuanian actor
- Antanas Venclova (1906–1971), Lithuanian writer
- Norbertas Vėlius (1938–1996), Lithuanian ethnographer and religious scholar
- Marian Zdziechowski (1861–1938), Polish philosopher and historian
Graves of Muslim soldiers in World War I
Monument to German and Russian soldiers in the First World War
See also
Web links
Commons : Antakalnis Cemetery - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
- Visitor's guide to Antakalnis Cemetery
- Gallery of the cemetery
- ↑ Martin Schulze Wessel, Irene Götz, Ekaterina Makhotina (eds.): Vilnius. History and memory of a city between cultures . Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2010, ISBN 978-3-593-39308-7 , p. 128.
Coordinates: 54 ° 41 ′ 56 ″ N , 25 ° 19 ′ 15 ″ E