Justin A. McCarthy

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Justin A. McCarthy (born October 19, 1945 in Chicago ) is an American professor of history and demographer at the University of Louisville . He is considered an expert on the history and demographics of the Ottoman Empire , the history of the Balkans, and the history of the Middle East .


He served in the Peace Corps in Turkey from 1967 to 1969 . During this time he lectured at various Turkish universities. McCarthy received his PhD from the University of California , Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1978. He is the author of articles in the International Journal of Middle East Studies , a prestigious journal on the Middle East and its history published by the Middle East Academic Society Studies Association of North America is published. McCarthy has spoken to Turkish audiences on numerous occasions and is known for his denial of the Armenian genocide . Wolfgang Gust wrote that he was putting “an academic cloak on the official Turkish fraudulent version” of the Armenian genocide .



  • Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity, University of Louisville , 1996
  • Order of Merit, Republic of Turkey, 1998

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Gust: The end of a long beginning, in: FAZ No. 94, April 23, 2010, p. 38.
  2. http://louisville.edu/history/faculty/mccarthy
  3. Mustafa Aydın, Çağrı Erhan, Cagri Erhan (eds.): Turkish-American Relations: Past, Present and Future . Psychology Press, 2004, ISBN 0-7146-5273-3 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).