Cheese scandal in Italy

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The cheese scandal was a food scandal in Italy that became known in mid-2008 .

According to the Italian daily La Repubblica , it is said to have been 11,000 tons of rotten and contaminated cheese , which was unsuitable for human consumption and was nevertheless used as cream cheese in the production of processed cheese and other cheese products over a period of two years . After the "recycling by a Sicilian entrepreneur", the processed products are said to have been on the market in various European countries since 2006. A cheese dairy in Cremona , northern Italy, involved in the crime had been investigated by Italian authorities since March 2006, but the incident was not reported to authorities in other countries. The operation was closed in June 2007. Three people were arrested, 413 cheese molds and 1,100 dairy cows, worth a total of around 3 million euros , were confiscated by the police in Cremona.

The illegal trade in partially spoiled food forms part of the illegal business of organized crime known in Italy under the generic term Ecomafia . The term ecomafia includes in particular the illegal business with garbage collection , garbage trading and garbage storage, the illegal trade in food, illegal construction, the illegal trade in animals and the illegal trade in archaeological finds. In its report Ecomafia 2008 , Legambiente puts the turnover achieved in Italy in 2007 at over 18 billion euros. The so-called ecomafia is an increasingly important branch of the economy for organized crime and, among other things, plays a decisive role in the waste crisis in the Campania region that has been going on for 15 years .


  1. a b La truffa dei banditi della tavola rivendevano formaggio avariato ( Memento of July 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (July 4, 2008).
  2. Tagesschau, July 6, 2008
  3. Cremona: Parmigiano e grana falsi Sequestro da tre milioni (June 22, 2008).
  4. Il sole 24ore, 4 June 2008 - ecomafia: un business since 18.4 miliardi di euro .