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upper course: Satyly (Сатылы)
location Kerbulaq , Panfilow in the Almaty region ( Kazakhstan )
River system Qara Valley
Drain over Köksu  → Qara Valley  → Lake Balkhash
source in Toqsanbai -Gebirgszug
44 ° 41 '10 "  N , 79 ° 31' 49"  O
muzzle Köksu coordinates: 44 ° 38 ′ 20 "  N , 78 ° 53 ′ 16"  E 44 ° 38 ′ 20 "  N , 78 ° 53 ′ 16"  E
Mouth height approx.  1200  m

length 63 km
Catchment area 1550 km²
Discharge at the Araltöbe gauge MQ
6.61 m³ / s
Left tributaries Terissaqqan
Communities Araltoe

The Köktal ( Kazakh Көктал - " Blue Willow ") is a left tributary of the Köksu in the Kazakh region of Almaty .

The Köktal rises in the glaciated Toqsanbai mountain range south of the Djungarian Alatau . The upper reaches of the Köktal is called Satyly (Сатылы). The Köktal initially flows in a narrow mountain valley in a westerly direction. The valley widens later and the river flows through the village of Araltöbe . North of Schubar , the river gradually turns to the northwest. It picks up the Terissaqqan from the left, before it flows into the Köksu southwest of Rudnitschny . The Köktal has a length of 63 km. It drains an area of ​​1550 km². The mean discharge at the Araltöbe gauge is 6.61 m³ / s.