Cologne box meeting

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Kölner Kästchentreffen is a Cologne artist group with a focus on object art and paper theater .


In April 1984 a group of artist friends from the area around the Cologne Werkschulen (FH Kunst und Design) agreed to design an object on a jointly defined topic and to show the results later at a joint dinner. They informally called this encounter “box meeting” and kept this name as a group name in their numerous other activities.

Stylistic devices

In contrast to other neo-Dadaist tendencies in contemporary art, the group does not rely on irritation or provocation, but playfully organizes the real object as a component of a formal aesthetic compositional framework in picture boxes, cardboard boxes or small showcases. The object becomes a color carrier and acts with a consciously narrative content. Towards the end of the 1980s, therefore, the turn to paper theater only seemed consistent. This almost forgotten form of art and communication, which had its heyday in the 19th century, became the ideal form of expression for the participating artists who have developed their own style of paper theater over many years: made of paper, wood, cardboard, found objects and Music or music collages are created independently of one another on stages 3 to 15 minutes long, which are meditative and less often violent, and correspond to the different temperaments of the players, who often move like dreamers in their visual worlds. Put together for a theater evening, they open up poetic spaces with an almost childlike gesture and artistic precision.

The artists

  • Annette Breuer (* 1961)
  • Theo Kerp (* 1949)
  • Gerd Kuck (* 1959)
  • Barbara Räderscheidt (* 1959)
  • Georg Rhode (* 1959)
  • Astrid Rosner (* 1949)
  • Herbert Rosner (* 1950)
  • Heribert Schulmeyer (* 1954)
  • Charli Weingarten (* 1934; † 2009)
  • Jojo Wolff (* 1958)
  • Max Zimmermann (* 1959)

Meetings and topics

  • 1984 Walk on the Rhine and first appointment
  • 1985 "Expedition"
  • 1985 "false colors"
  • 1986 "Lucky bags" / "Erotic object"
  • 1986 "musical instrument"
  • 1987 First paper theater performance by Heribert Schulmeyer ("Brighton Pier 5 o'clock in the morning")
  • 1987 "Blue Hour"
  • 1987 "postal parcel"
  • 1987 "Magic boxes"
  • 1988 "Spice jars"
  • 1988 "The soul as a flying object"
  • 1988 Theatertreffen
  • 1989 " Albrecht Roscher "
  • 1989 "toys"
  • 1990 "Menagerie Imaginaire"
  • 1990 "Reliqienkästen"
  • 1991 tin casting
  • 1992 "Asyl Pro Arte"
  • 1992 "Unzinn"
  • 1992 "mirror boxes"
  • 1993 "Postcards from all over the world"
  • 1994 linocut prints
  • 1995 "Informal box meeting"
  • 1995 Theatertreffen
  • 1996 "appendage"
  • 1997 "Garden objects"
  • 1997 "Summer Festival of the Rhineland Paper Theater Friends"
  • 1998 "cutlery box"
  • 1999 "Egon Island"
  • 2003 "artist steamer"
  • 2006 theater meeting
  • 2008 "Works for Halle"
  • 2009 theater meeting
  • 2010 "Giro Tondo"
  • 2010 "stick puppets"
  • 2010 theater meeting
  • 2011 theater meeting


  • 1986 Simultanhalle , Cologne-Volkhoven
  • 1988 Villa Minima, Brühl
  • 1989 Simultanhalle , Cologne-Volkhoven
  • 1990 Museum Katharinenhof , Kranenburg
  • 1990 Showcase of the Zimmermann printing works, Cologne, "Relics & Delicts"
  • 1991 Showcase printer Zimmermann, Cologne, "Rheinromantik"
  • 1991 Villa Waldrich , Kunstverein Siegen, "Unzinn"
  • 1991 Rahmel Gallery, Cologne
  • 1997 Galerie Schaufenster, Erftstadt-Liblar, "Treibhaus"
  • 2003 Kunstraum Köln-Sülz "artist steamer"
  • 2004 Theater Museum Düsseldorf , "20 Years of the Cologne Box Meeting"
  • 2007 Gallery Wunderkammer, Esslingen
  • 2008 Francke Foundations, Halle, "In Foreign Worlds"
  • 2009 Eifelmuseum Blankenheim
  • 2010 KAT 18, Summer Blood Festival, Cologne, "Giro Tondo", ceramic plate
  • 2013 Max Ernst Museum , Brühl
  • 2015 "Paper Secret", Burgau Castle, Düren

Paper theater performances

  • 1988 Villa Minima, Kunstverein Brühl
  • 1989 Simultanhalle , Cologne-Volkhoven
  • 1990 Museum Katharinenhof , Kranenburg
  • 1991 Gallery 11, Cologne
  • 1991 Brühl historic town hall, on the 100th birthday of Max Ernst
  • 1991 Theater der Welt , Essen
  • 1991 Rahmel Gallery, Cologne
  • 1991 Roman-Germanic Museum, Cologne
  • 1992 Villa Waldrich , Kunstverein Siegen
  • 1992 Church of St. Clemens and Church of Our Lady , Cologne-Mülheim
  • 1992 International Puppet Theater Days, Brühl
  • 1992 Blankenheim District Museum (Eifel)
  • 1992 International Biennale of Paper Art, Düren
  • 1993 Siebengebirgsmuseum , Königswinter
  • 1993 Theater Museum Düsseldorf
  • 1993 trip to the Rhine, showcase at the Zimmermann printer, Cologne
  • 1991 Theater der Welt, VHS Essen, Essen
  • 1994 International Figurines Theater Days, Brühl
  • 1994 Kunstraum Bahnhof Rösrath (near Cologne)
  • 1995 Rheinstein House, Cologne
  • 1995 Old fire station "Kulturtage Open Worlds", Cologne
  • 1995 Internationaal Micro Festival Dordrecht; NL
  • 1996 Siebengebirgsmuseum, Königswinter
  • 1996 International Figurines Theater Days, Brühl
  • 1996 Pépinière d'Entreprises, Velo Theater Apt, France
  • 1997 Erftstadt-Lechenich town house
  • 1997 Old fire station , “La Paloma”, Cologne
  • 1996 Siebengebirgsmuseum, Königswinter
  • 2000 Kreta's Papiertheatertage, Krefeld
  • 2000 Theater Museum Düsseldorf
  • 2000 T Magisch Theatertje, Maastricht
  • 2001 St. Clemens , Cologne-Mülheim
  • 2002 International Paper Theater Festival, Waiblingen
  • 2002 Exhibition series "Rheinromantik", Drachenburg Castle , Königswinter
  • 2002 Siebengebirgsmuseum, Königswinter
  • 2002 City Museum Cologne
  • 2002 City Museum Bonn
  • 2002 Kunsthaus Seelscheid (near Cologne)
  • 2002 Municipal Gallery Neuwied, Mennonite Church
  • 2002 3rd International Dr. Kurt Pflüger Paper Theater Festival, Waiblingen
  • 2003 Atelier Räderscheidt, Cologne
  • 2003 Atelier Lisa Kaiser, Cologne
  • 2004 Eisenwaren Bosen and Atelier Wirdeier , Cologne
  • 2004 Théâtre Papier Festival International, Mourmelon le Grand, France
  • 2004 Theater Museum Düsseldorf
  • 2004 Melsheimer art trade, Cologne
  • 2005 Theater der Welt, Bochum
  • 2006 International Puppet Theater Festival, Dordrecht, NL
  • 2006 Théâtre Papier Festival International, Mourmelon le Grand, France
  • 2006 Homburg Castle, Marienheide
  • 2007 Linden Blossom Festival in the Francke Foundations, Halle
  • 2007 "The Romantic Principle", Städt. Gallery, Wesseling
  • 2007 International Puppet Theater Festival, Dordrecht, NL (only A. and H. Rosner )
  • 2007 Fidena , Bochum
  • 2007 Esslingen City Museum
  • 2007 MultiArt Gallery, Bonn
  • 2007 Wolfsburg International Puppet Theater Festival
  • 2008 The International Festival of Puppet Theater, Jerusalem, Israel
  • 2008 Art Forum St. Clemens, Cologne
  • 2008 Gasthaus zur Krone, Laas, South Tyrol
  • 2009 Eifelmuseum Blankenheim (Eifel)
  • 2009 Long Night of the Munich Museums, City Museum Munich (only A. and H. Rosner )
  • 2010 International Puppet Theater Festival, Dordrecht
  • 2010 3rd Weitblick Festival, Puppet Theater Fadenschein, Braunschweig
  • 2010 Institute for Modernism in the Rhineland, Düsseldorf
  • 2010 Erftstadt-Lechenich town house
  • 2010 Kunsthaus Rhenania, Cologne as part of the Summer Blood Festival
  • 2011 Exhibition House Daniel Spoerri, Hadersdorf
  • 2012 BBK Cologne, "Le Bal", Cologne
  • 2012 Maternushaus, Cologne
  • 2012 Kunsthaus Rhenania, "Electricity Festival"
  • 2013 Museum for Applied Arts Cologne
  • 2013 Kunsthaus Rhenania, Cologne
  • 2013 Liebfrauenkirche, Cologne-Mülheim
  • 2013 Max Ernst Museum , Brühl
  • 2014 Theater Museum Düsseldorf
  • 2014 Burgau Castle , Düren
  • 2014 Living Advent Calendar, Bildungswerk Bonn (only A. and H. Rosner )
  • 2015 Second paper theater meeting, Burgau Castle, Düren
  • 2016 Internationaal Micro Theater Festival, Dordrecht, NL (only A. and H. Rosner )
  • 2016 Third paper theater meeting, Burgau Castle, Düren
  • 2016 Living Advent Calendar, Bildungswerk Bonn (only A. and H. Rosner )
  • 2017 Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, "Ready for the stage 1", Remagen
  • 2017 Fourth Paper Theater Meeting, Burgau Castle, Düren
  • 2018 Stadtmuseum / Stadtarchiv Langenfeld, Langenfeld
  • 2018 Bernburg Cultural Foundation, Saxony-Anhalt (A. and H. Rosner only)
  • 2018 summer party at Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach
  • 2018 International Puppet Theater Days, Galerie am Schloss, Brühl
  • 2019 Wesseling "Mythology of Things II.", Städt. Gallery of the city of Wesseling
  • 2019 "Small stage-large theater", Musikhaus-Süd, Annostraße, Cologne
  • 2020 Braunschweig storytelling festival, KULT, large house, Braunschweig

The pieces

  • 1987 "Victoria Station" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1987 "Brighton Pier 5 o'clock in the morning" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1987 "End of the world, third curtain" (Max Zimmermann)
  • 1987 "Wupperwahn" (Max Zimmermann)
  • 1988 "Eye wandering through five sound images" (Theo Kerp)
  • 1988 "Green you forest" (Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 1988 "The love of the three oranges", fragment ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1988 "Mezzogiorno" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1988 "Mogambo" ( Jojo Wolff )
  • 1988 "Rats on Marimba" (Charli Weingarten)
  • 1989 "3 Scenes from Tarrega" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1989 "Himmelsgestalten" (Theo Kerp)
  • 1989 "Kucks Radio Show" (Gerd Kuck)
  • 1989 "The MERZ IDEN" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1990 "The Sheep Piece" (Theo Kerp)
  • 1990 "Dance of Death - Puppet Play" (Gerd Kuck)
  • 1990 "The Rumor" ( Jojo Wolff )
  • 1990 "Doom in the Hafengasse" (Charli Weingarten)
  • 1990 "Sister Sun and Brother Moon" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1991 "Unzinn" (Heribert Schulmeyer with Max Zimmermann)
  • 1991 "Room with a lake view" (Theo Kerp)
  • 1991 "Rendez-Vous of Friends" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1991 "When Max Ernst once missed the first movement on the occasion of a Bartók concert" ( Jojo Wolff )
  • 1991 "Flowers for Urania" (Charli Weingarten)
  • 1992 "The Double" (Theo Kerp)
  • 1992 "Pro Asyl - Pro Arte" (Theo Kerp)
  • 1992 "Sunset" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1992 "The Schoolmaster" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1992 "Venus Libre Libre - de kleine Hond" (Max Zimmermann)
  • 1992 "Change of position" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1992 The strength of the natural sciences, or the love - also for water (Max Zimmermann)
  • 1993 "Behind the hawthorn hedge on the edge of the white time zone" (Theo Kerp)
  • 1993 "Im Dachauer Moos" (Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 1993 "Ferry Cross The Mersey" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1993 "Dampfnudeln" or "Posen are not lost" (Max Zimmermann)
  • 1993 "King Lear" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1994 steamed noodles (Max Zimmermann)
  • 1994 "La Paloma" ( Jojo Wolff )
  • 1994 "Nancarrow's Barke" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1994 "Encounter in Trachila" (Charli Weingarten)
  • 1994 "Linkwood - Glenlivet" (Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 1994 "Metamorphoses of the Bass Nightingale" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1995 "House scenes, very simple" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1995 "The last night in the nursery" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1995 "Portable 2" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1995 "Long Night on Beechey Island" (Charli Weingarten)
  • 1995 "Antares in Scorpio" (Charli Weingarten)
  • 1995 "Postcards" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 1995 "Ouvrez les Yeux" (Gerd Kuck)
  • 1996 "Flamingos on Ice" (Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 1996 "La Paloma" (Theo Kerp)
  • 1996 "Bar Paloma" (Max Zimmermann)
  • 1996 "Movements of a Blesing" (Gerd Kuck)
  • 1997 "Blood Wedding" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1997 "Because Mr. Waldemar rang twice" (Charli Weingarten)
  • 1997 "La Paloma" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 1998 "Memories" (Gerd Kuck)
  • 2000 "Rheinreise" ( Jojo Wolff )
  • 2002 "Why is it so beautiful on the Rhine" or "Hotel Reblaus" (Theo Kerp)
  • 2002 "Weinwiege" (Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 2002 "The dream of the cleaning woman" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 2002 "Plongeon - plunge" (Gerd Kuck)
  • 2003 "Golden Wedding" (Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 2004 "Partir c'est toujours un peu mourir" (Astrid and Herbert Rosner )
  • 2005 "See you next time" (Max Zimmermann)
  • 2005 "A piece of the whole" (Theo Kerp)
  • 2006 "Le chat qui tourne" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 2006 "Ama" (Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 2008 "Ex Oriente Lux" (Astrid and Herbert Rosner )
  • 2009 "From here to the Rhine" (Astrid and Herbert Rosner )
  • 2010 "Silent Rotator" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 2011 "A Casa" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 2012 "Before the Cretaceous Period and after the Jägerschnitzel" (Theo Kerp)
  • 2012 "Winterreise" (Astrid and Herbert Rosner )
  • 2012 "Le Bal" (Theo Kerp)
  • 2012 "Le Bal" (Gerd Kuck)
  • 2012 "Le Bal" (Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 2012 "Le Bal" ( Herbert Rosner )
  • 2012 "Le Bal" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 2012 "Le Bal" ( Jojo Wolff )
  • 2012 "Le Bal" (Max Zimmermann)
  • 2014 "La Metta Notte" (Max Zimmermann)
  • 2015 "What does my horse think when it eats oats" (Theo Kerp)
  • 2015 "Closer" (Max Zimmermann)
  • 2015 "The Forgotten Garden" (Astrid and Herbert Rosner )
  • 2015 "Again the sea" or "Blue is a beautiful color" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 2016 "The Man in the Moon" or "Schacka Bum, Schacka Bum Bum" ( Heribert Schulmeyer with Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 2017 "The blue house" or "Strange things with Mr. and Mrs. Nickolson" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 2018 "Things are getting more complicated" (Barbara Räderscheidt)
  • 2018 "Three Feathers" ( Heribert Schulmeyer )
  • 2018 "Amor and Mars" (Astrid and Herbert Rosner )


  • From traveling and dreaming - Das Papiertheater, newspaper of the Association Forum Papiertheater Hanauer Papiertheater Schloss Philippsruhe E. V, December 2013, pages 8–9.
  • Big luck in small format - Double, magazine for puppet, figure and object theater, issue 1/2008, pages 16-17.

Web links