Artist agency

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An artist agency or artist agency acts as a service provider between artists (mainly singers , musicians and actors ) and their customers (e.g. organizers of cultural events or film producers ), with the agency serving inquiries from customers on the one hand and advertising , public relations and contracts for the artist takes over. In addition, some artist agencies take on other services related to the organization and planning of the upcoming event. In an international context, the term Talent Management or Talent Agency is increasingly common.

Business model

Artist agencies usually work with freelance artists and, depending on the contract concluded for the care of an artist, have a legal right to the sole mediation (exclusive contract) of engagements, for which they are usually paid on a commission basis. This exclusive contract must not force the artist into pseudo self-employment , provided that the art is his only source of income.

In Germany, according to a regulation in accordance with Section 301 of the Third Book of the Social Code - Employment Promotion, it is forbidden by law to commission more than 18% commission when placing artists in an employment relationship (when placing an employment relationship up to seven days) or 14% (in mediation with a duration of more than twelve months). This also applies if, according to the law, an intermediary cooperates with another in mediation. The artist can also market himself and / or transfer his brokerage rights to several artist agencies in the sense of a non-exclusive contact. In contrast to this, in guest performance directorates it is mostly the organizers and not the artists who are direct contractual partners.

Actor agencies provide similar services to actors. In Germany, these agencies are organized in the Association of Agencies for Film, Television and Theater , the Association of German Actor Agencies and the Association of German Young Talent Agencies (VdNA). Well-known artists from the field of performing arts are often represented by independent managers .

A concert agency or booking agency is an agency that books artists for live events. It is the link between the organizers of live clubs, festivals and open-air concerts , the artists and, if necessary, their record labels, and works closely with them in terms of promotion and scheduling. The area of ​​responsibility includes tour planning and implementation, bookings, contract negotiations, marketing, accounting, artist and customer care and press work.

See also


  • "Concert directorates and artist mediation", in: Deutscher Musikrat (Ed.): Musik-Almanach 2007/08. Data and facts on musical life in Germany, Regensburg, ConBrio, 2006, pp. 955–996.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Jürgen Homann: The artist management contract: appearance, contract typology and legal investigation of the contractual relationship between artist and manager in the field of music . Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-33874-8 , p. 293 (Dissertation): "When arranging short-term engagements with a duration of employment of up to 7 days, the participation fee including sales tax may amount to up to 18% of the wages to which the employee is entitled […] The usual participation fees of the artist manager determined in the contract analysis of 20 to 25% are thus above the permissible remuneration limits of the VermVO and would thus violate §§ 296 Paragraph 3, 297 No. 1 Case 1 SGB III. According to earlier law, Section 13 (2) sentence 1 AVermVO also allowed the agreement of remuneration that exceeded the permissible limits if the employment agency was contractually obliged to provide the employee with comprehensive advice at all times. According to Section 13 (2) sentence 2 AVermV, the remuneration for the job placement was to be shown separately. The VermVO no longer contains this regulation. "