Haimhausen artists' colony

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The Haimhausen artists 'colony , located near the large Dachau artists' colony , existed from around 1895 to 1972. The village of Haimhausen and its surroundings offered enough subjects (people, animals, plants, landscape) for the art of open-air painting .


The landscape painter Philipp Röth , who was born in Darmstadt , stayed in and around Haimhausen several times . He was drawn to the quiet of the place with its magnificent rococo castle and the beauty of the untouched moss landscape with its many oxbow lakes. The artist's painting Hütten bei Haimhausen (oil / canvas, 49.5 × 63 cm) vividly reflects the naturalistic village landscape at the time .

The real history of the artist colony begins with Bernhard Buttersack . The named moved from Oberschleißheim to Haimhausen around 1895 . The artist had a spacious house built in the Ottershausen district, with a painter's studio in the north. Here he soon opened a private painting school, and the painter's town of Haimhausen was born:

The population recognized the new opportunities. The painting students were greeted with joy and tried to accommodate them in the best possible way. Haimhausen families opened up their guest rooms. Studios were even built next to or in some houses .

Important students of Bernhard Buttersack were u. a. Franz Baum and Ludwig Bock .

Max Bergmann , who influenced artistic creation for 30 years, was of great importance to the painter's town of Haimhausen . The named came to Haimhausen in 1912, where he acquired the Buttersack property. In 1925 the artist opened a private, state-approved painting school:

He initially taught in the Flemmerer studio, which soon became too small, then from 1926 in his own studio house. He had this built not far from his house in the depths of the park .

Many successful painters emerged from the Bergmann School : The Brazilian Arthur Nisin , Helene Harth , Alice Krüger , Wilhelm Gut , Rudolf Gahlbeck , Hans Frey , Berthold Walter , Hermann Koenemann , Hans von Ankershofen , Elisabeth Schmidt-Sophienberg , Franz Stelzer and more.

Another painting school was established in the early 1920s. The painter Carl Hans Schrader-Velgen , who lives in Munich , came to Haimhausen with his painting class during the summer months for many years.

Other painters who worked in Haimhausen included: Klaus Bergmann , Grete Hoffmann , Adolf Schinnerer , Ulla Schinnerer , Max Hein-Neufeldt , Hedwig von Branca , the second wife of Edgar Haniel von Haimhausen , and Paul Erbe , who was over 50 Years in the place and with his death, so to speak, the Haimhausen painters' colony went out.

The number of artists in Haimhausen was never so large that an artists' association developed, such as in Dachau. The painters themselves never exhibited in Haimhausen. They showed their works mainly in Munich or Dachau.


  • Ottilie Thiemann-Stoedter : The Haimhausen painters' colony. In: Amperland . Vol. 10, 1974, pp. 518-527. ( Online , PDF; 2.4 MB)
  • Bavarian State Painting Collections (ed.): The Munich School 1850–1914. Munich 1979

Individual evidence

  1. Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen 1979, p. 335
  2. Thiemann-Stoedtner 1974, p. 518
  3. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated February 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.decoridee.de
  4. Thiemann-Stoedtner 1974, p. 520