Kızıl Elma

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Kızıl Elma (or Kızılelma ), the red apple (in German also the “golden apple”), is a symbol of imperial rule by the Turks . It stood for the legendary goal of Turkish-Muslim conquests. With the Ottomans , the red apple symbolized first Constantinople and Budapest , then Rome and later Vienna, in accordance with imperialist aspirations .

In Ahmed I's album (around 1610) numerous sultans were depicted with the red apple in their hands.

The origin or history of this expression or this idea of ​​the red apple is not clear.

The red apple shows similarities with the golden globe of Christian emperors and kings and is a cross-cultural symbol.

Representatives of the nationalist stream of Turanism localized the red apple in Turan in Central Asia since the early 20th century . Today, the red apple is primarily a symbol of turanist longing.

Individual evidence

  1. Ahmed I. Album . TSMK, Bağdat Köşkü, no. 408, vr. 32a
  2. Hans Lukas Kieser in: Irichard Faber (Ed.) Imperialism in past and present. Würzburg 2005, p. 183
