Kabir Helminski

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Kabir Edmund Helminski (* 1947 ) is an American Sheikh of the Mevlevi - Tariqa (Mevlevi Dervish Order). He is co-director of the Book Foundation in the United States. He is the founder of the Threshold Society . Helminski translated many works by the Islamic mystic Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi into English. From the Selçuk University in Konya , he received the honorary doctorate in the field of literature.

He was one of the 138 signatories of the open letter a common word between us and you ( Engl. A Common Word Between Us and You ), the personalities of Islam to "leaders of Christian churches everywhere" (Engl. "Leaders of Christian Churches, everywhere ... ") (October 13, 2007).

In 2009 he was included in the list of the 500 Most Influential Muslims by the Prince al-Walid-bin-Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University and the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center of Jordan .

Web links

References and footnotes

  1. acommonword.com: A common word between us and you (summarized short form) (PDF; 186 kB)
  2. yale.edu ( Yale University ; PDF; 4.8 MB)
Kabir Helminski (alternative names of the lemma)
Kabir Edmund Helminski; كبير هلمنسكي