Kai-Uwe Eckardt

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Kai-Uwe Eckardt (* 1960 ) is a German doctor and university lecturer at the Charité .

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Eckardt studied human medicine from 1978 at the University of Münster and as part of a semester abroad at the Welsh National School of Medicine in Cardiff . In 1985 he was awarded a Dr. med. PhD. From 1987 he worked at the Physiological Institute of the University of Zurich . In 1991 he moved to the Institute for Physiology at the University of Regensburg . There he completed his habilitation in 1993 in physiology . He then became a research assistant for Ulrich Frei at the Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum , where he later also became professor of nephrology and intensive care medicine. In 2004 Eckardt moved to a full chair for internal medicine with a focus on kidney and hypertension diseases at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg . There he also became director of the Medical Clinic 4 of the University Clinic Erlangen and the Nuremberg Clinic and head of the Erlangen-Nuremberg Transplant Center. In 2017, he succeeded his former boss as a full professor of internal medicine and director of the medical clinic with a focus on nephrology and intensive care medicine at the Charité .

Eckardt's main research focus is nephrology . He focuses primarily on the physiological significance of a gene expression caused by a lack of oxygen as well as on the development and progression of chronic kidney damage. Eckardt is a member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature and a founding member of KDIGO . In 2001 he received the Franz Volhard Prize of the German Society for Nephrology .

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