Calendar of colophon

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The Kolophon calendar is a Greek calendar from the Ionian calendar group that was in use in the city of Kolophon in Asia Minor . Colophon included the port city of Notion and the sanctuary of Klaros , in which the same calendar was used.

The dates of the Colophon calendar are largely lost. Only five names of the months are known of inscriptions, whose position in the year can only be determined by comparing them with other Ionic calendars. In alphabetical order these are:

The Lenaion was a month name widespread in Ionic calendars, to which the month Gamelion of the Attic calendar , the reference calendar for Ionic calendars, can certainly be assigned. In the Julian calendar , it roughly corresponds to January . The month of Kronion was also common, but its location is not always the same in other calendars. Since neighboring calendars are mostly similar with regard to the position of the months and the Kronion falls on the Attic summer month Skirophorion in the calendars of Samos and Priene , this is also assumed for the Kolophon calendar. The month of Artemision, which is also common in many Ionian calendars, always falls on the spring months of Elaphebolion or Munichion . Since Artemision falls on the Attic Elaphebolion in the neighboring calendars of Samos, Priene, Ephesus , Miletus and Smyrna , this is also assumed for Colophon. The name of the month Klarion is derived from the feast of Clare , which was celebrated annually in the sanctuary of Klaros in honor of Apollon Klarios . Except for Colophon, the name is only attested for Ephesus, where it can only fall on the Skirophorion or the Hekatombaion . Since the month of Kronion probably falls on the Attic Skirophorion, the Hecatombaion is assumed to be the location of the Klarion. The Komaion is an otherwise not encountered Hapax legomenon , whose underlying festival Kumaia is attested in Thasos , but nothing else has been handed down about it. Its position in the calendar must therefore remain open.



  1. Martin Persson Nilsson : Greek festivals of religious importance excluding the Attic. Teubner, Leipzig 1906. Reprinted by Teubner, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-519-07254-8 , p. 179.