Callicles (son of Theocosmos)

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Kallikles ( ancient Greek Καλλικλῆς ) was the v a Greek sculptor in the 5th century. Was active.

Callicles was part of a family of artists from Megara , besides his, both the sculpting activities of his father Theokosmos and that of his son Apelleas are attested. Pausanias reports of two victorious statues of Callicles that were placed in the sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia .

The first statue showed the pugilist Diagoras of Rhodes , who died in the 79th  Olympic Games in 464 BC. Was victorious in the midst of statues of his glorious family members. According to a scholion at Pindar's Olympia , the statue was slightly larger than life, the right arm was stretched forward and the left angled inward. A fragment of the base has been preserved, but the font does not refer to the end of the 4th century BC at the earliest. BC, which is why a renewal of the inscription is assumed at this time. The artist's signature is not preserved on the fragment.

The second statue showed the victor in the fistfight of the Gnathon boys from Dipaia , who lived in 440 BC. Won at the 85th Games. Nothing has survived from this statue.



  1. ^ Pausanias 6, 7, 1-2.
  2. Scholion on Pindars Olympia 7, 158 (Edition Boeckh ).
  3. Inscriptions from Olympia. Berlin 1896, pp. 261-262 , no. 151 .
  4. ^ Pausanias 6, 7, 9.