Rosenfeld camera office

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The Rosenfeld Kameralamt was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg that administered state property and income in the administrative district. It existed in Rosenfeld from 1807 to 1843 . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.


According to the ordinance of July 7, 1807, the patrimonial office of rooms and the castle of Prince von Zeil were assigned to the Rosenfeld camera office to collect the income.

By order of June 6, 1819, the Rosenfeld camera office was assigned the forest and hunting slopes of the Leidringen forest district.

According to the ruling of December 28, 1830, the Oberndorf camera office transferred to the Rosenfeld camera office the forest slope management of the Sulz district along with the cost accounting of the Sulz forest office and the city of Sulz, Holzhausen, Mühlheim am Bach, Sigmarswangen and Wittershausen.

The Kameralamt Rosenfeld, however, has ceded:

  • to the Rottweil camera office, the community of Göschingen,
  • the municipalities of Erlaheim and Dormettingen to the Balingen camera office.

In 1843 the Kameralamt Rosenfeld became the Kameralamt Sulz .


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