Rottweil camera office

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The Kameralamt Rottweil was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg , which administered property and income of the state in the administrative district. It existed in Rottweil from 1806 to 1922 . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.

The Kameralamt Rottweil had its seat in the house Kameralamtsgasse 8th


According to an order of December 28, 1830, the Rosenfeld camera office ceded the Göschingen community to the Rottweil camera office.

According to the ordinance of March 6, 1843, the towns of Dormettingen, Dotternhausen, Hausen am Tann and Rosswangen were assigned by the Balingen camera office to the Rottweil camera office. At the same time, the Sulz camera office ceded the locations of Dautmergen and Täbingen to the Rottweil camera office.


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