Zwiefalten camera office

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The Kameralamt Zwiefalten was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg , which administered property and income of the state in the administrative district. It existed in Zwiefalten from 1807 to 1872 . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.


In accordance with the ordinance of July 14, 1807, the following patrimonial rulers were assigned to the camera office to collect income :

  • Count Normann-Ehrenfels - Ehrenfels Office
  • Prince von Fürstenberg - Hayingen Office
  • Prince Palm - Hohengundelfingen Office
  • von Reichlin - Niedergundelfingen Office
  • Prince of Taxis - Office Obermarchtal
  • von Freyberg - Amt Rechtenstein with Wilzingen
  • von Speth - Granheim Office
  • von Speth - Office Schülzburg
  • von Speth - Office Untermarchtal

By ordinance of June 4, 1819, the Zwiefalten camera office took over the towns of Hausen ob Munderkingen, Ober- and Unterwachingen and the forest districts of Pfronstetten, Zwiefalten and Huldstetten from the Ehingen camera office.

According to the ruling of November 4, 1836, the places Granheim, Kirchen, Lautrach with the parcels of Laufenmühl, Neuburg, Reichenstein and Talheim, also Obermarchtal with the parcels of Datthausen , Luppenhofen and Mittenhausen , Rechtenstein with Bühlhof, Untermarchtal and the state domain Mochental were assigned to the Ehingen camera office assigned.

The Zwiefalten camera office was dissolved in accordance with a ruling by the Ministry of Finance on February 28, 1872. Thereafter, numerous places and the Pfronstetten forest district were taken over by the Münsingen camera office, while the Pflimmern and Zwiefalten forest areas came to the Heiligkreuztal camera office.


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