Kamilo Tončić-Sorinj

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Kamilo Tončić-Sorinj

Kamilo Tončić-Sorinj (born October 28, 1878 in Zadar as Kamilo Tončić , † June 29, 1961 in Split ) was an Art Nouveau architect in Dalmatia and the founder of the Ethnographic Museum and Art Gallery in Split, Dalmatia.


When Kamilo Tončić was born on October 28, 1878 in Zadar as the fourth son of Josip Tončić , who was later to become the deputy governor of Dalmatia and who in 1911 achieved the Austrian hereditary nobility as "Noble of Sorinj", and Aspazija from the distinguished Koludrović family left he first went to the primary school in Hvar and the grammar school in Split. He then studied civil engineering at the Vienna University of Technology .

At a young age he began collecting Dalmatian costumes, embroidery and other folk art items, and so Tončić soon realized that a systematic collection, storage and exhibition of these items was necessary. In 1907 he started with occasional exhibitions, then in 1910 he founded the Regional Museum of Folk Art and Crafts, today the Ethnographic Museum Split, of which he became director. He held this position until the end of the Second World War .

In 1931 he also founded the very renowned art gallery in Split, which contains the most important collection of Croatian art from the Middle Ages to the present day and of which he remained director until 1941.

He placed the first Art Nouveau house in Split, built by him in 1903, above the sulfur springs used as a spa in Marmontstrasse, the pedestrian zone in the center. The house was later confiscated by the communists and has not been returned to the family to this day.

Kamilo Tončić-Sorinj died in Split on June 29, 1961.


  • Kamilo Tončić-Sorinj: Croatian House. Split 1907
  • Kamilo Tončić-Sorinj: Diocletian's Palace. Split no year

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.etnografski-muzej-split.hr/povijest.htm
  2. http://www.galum.hr/en/info/o-nama/
  3. http://www.slobodnadalmacija.hr/Split/tabid/72/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/240180/Default.aspx
  4. http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=150083&lang=en