Chapter House (Schwäbisch Gmünd)

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Facade to the Münsterplatz
Back from Romangässle, chapter house between Leonhardskaplanei and Münsterpfarramt
Detail on the south facade

The Chapter House (also Kapitelhaus ) is a Rococo building on Münsterplatz in Schwäbisch Gmünd . From 1765 to 1803 it housed the chapter of the Gmünder Kollegiatstiftes .


In 1508 the widow Anna Müller sold the house next to the parsonage to the local priesthood. The brotherhood used the house as a library and as a warehouse for fruit and utensils. In 1761/62 the Gmünder Kollegiatstiftes was founded, which is why the first dean of the city chapter, Johann Josef Doll , gave the order to replace the old, somewhat dilapidated house of the priestly brotherhood with a new building. The supervision was carried out by the procurator Franz Xaver Debler , as the master builder the Gmünd city master builder Johann Michal Keller was commissioned. The demolition was carried out at the end of 1763, so that the foundation stone could be laid on April 2, 1764 . The building, known as a model building of a Gmünder Rococo house, was placed on the foundations of the previous building, the vaulted cellar of this Renaissance building was preserved. The building was completed in 1765. The canon canonist Josef Ignaz Stahl donated an extensive library, with a fruit box on the upper floor .

After the dissolution of the monastery in the course of secularization in 1803, the house was used as a living room and office for the Catholic Church Administration. The fruit box was converted into an apartment in 1859. In 1984/85 the chapter house was extensively renovated. Today it serves as the parish hall for the Münster parish with youth and group rooms, a ballroom and the church archive , which houses the archive of the Münster parish office ( Münsterpfarrarchiv ) and the archive of church maintenance.


The rococo portal and the chapter house on the first floor are among the noteworthy furnishings . It stretches across the entire width of the house and is equipped with rocailles by Lauretin Hieber . The cupboard on the east side of the hall and the panel with the Risen One in Limbo come from the 17th century.


  • Klaus Jürgen Herrmann : ... The prince-bishop Joseph zu Augsburg tears away from the bath and declared the local parish church vivae vocis oraculo to be a collegiate or collegiate church ..., the city parish church in Schwäbisch Gmünd as a collegiate church (1761-1803) , in Einhorn - Yearbook 2008, Einhornverlag, Schwäbisch Gmünd 2008, ISBN 978-3-936373-46-2 , pp. 197-200.
  • Richard Strobel: The art monuments of the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd. Volume 3: Secular buildings of the old town without city fortifications , Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-422-00570-6 , pp. 280–282.

Web links

Commons : Kapitelshaus Schwäbisch Gmünd  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 47 '54.9 "  N , 9 ° 47' 49.5"  E