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Karaḫna was a Hittite city ​​in northwestern Anatolia and bordered the Kaškäer settlement area . The ethnicon is Karaḫnail. It is assumed to be near Sulusaray and equated with the ancient Karana- Sebastopolis .

The city is first mentioned in ancient Assyrian documents from Kültepe as a trading post ( wabartum ) Karaḫna. Under the Hittite King Muršili II , it was occupied by enemies along with Marišta and Šaduppa, but could be recovered. Under Ḫattušili III. it was a border town to the Kaškaers, who briefly occupied it together with Marišta. The city is also mentioned in cuneiform texts from Maşat Höyük ( Tapikka ) near Zile .

Karaḫna was an important cult city. The two main temples were dedicated to the weather god of Karaḫna and the patron god of Karaḫna. The syncretism of Hittite , Hittite , Hurrian and Luwian ideas is characteristic of Karaḫna . This is shown, among other things, in the city's lists of gods. Originally Hattic deities are the vegetation god Telipinu and his wife Ḫatepuna as well as the sun goddess of Arinna and the weather gods of Nerik and Liḫzina , Hittite are Aškašepa , the grain goddess Ḫalki and the horse god Pirwa , Hurrian are Ḫepat and her son Šarruma . Luwian influence is shown by the "purest patron god" ( d LAMMA wašḫazza ), Ala , Immarnizza , Iyaya , and the weather god of lightning ( d U piḫaššašši ). In addition, deities are mentioned that cannot be determined more precisely.


  • Sedat Alp : The location of the Hittite cult city Karaḫna in the light of the Maşat texts . in: Festschrift Bittel.
  • Sedat Alp: Hittite letters from Maşat Höyük.
  • OR Gurney: The Hittite Names of Kerkenes Dağ and Kuşaklı Höyük. In: Anatolian Studies 45, 1995, pp. 69-71.
  • Alice Mouton: Sulusaray / Sebastopolis du Pont (Province de Tokat): La Karahna des texts hittites ?. In: Anatolia Antiqua 19, 2011, pp. 101–111 (with all of the older literature identifying Karahna).