Karel Hron

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Karel Hron (born February 23, 1927 in Kostomlaty nad Labem , † December 25, 2010 in Prague ) was a Czech organist and music teacher.

Hron studied the organ at the Prague Conservatory with Bedřich Janáček (1948–51) and at the Music Academy with Jiři Rheinberger (until 1955). He taught at the Prague Conservatory and was an organist at Charles University . Even as a student, Hron gave successful organ concerts. Later he went on concert tours through France, Austria, the FRG and the GDR, Spain and Denmark as a chamber music partner of well-known Czech and international singers and instrumentalists. He performed at the Prague Spring , the Carinthian Summer in Ossiach and the Handel Festival in Halle and gave concerts a. a. in Dresden, Vienna, Salzburg, Chartres, Rouen, Paris and Bourges. In addition to radio recordings of old and contemporary compositions by Czech and well-known international composers, he has made several albums, including Les orgues historiques de Prague , organs from golden Prague and Trumpet & organ . His sense of tone colors and clear style, rhythmic accuracy and expressive playing were praised.


Individual evidence

  1. [1]
  2. https://operaplus.cz/varhanik-pedagog-i-korepetitor-opere-karel-hron-by-slavil-devadesatiny/
  3. https://www.prijmeni.cz/osobnost/124447/karel_hron