Karin Flaake

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Karin Flaake (* 1944 in Schwerin ) is a German sociologist and professor i. R. from the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg .

life and work

Karin Flaake studied sociology and social psychology in Frankfurt am Main . She then worked from 1972 to 1975 as a research assistant at the Sociological Seminar of the University of Göttingen , where she worked on a research project on political learning processes in general schools. From 1975 to 1989 she worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main. She participated in numerous research projects with educational and professional sociological issues. She then completed her habilitation with a thesis on the topic: Gender-specific patterns of identity and professional orientations of teachers. From 1982 to 1986 she trained at the Institute for Group Analysis in Heidelberg. She also worked in the Frankfurt working group for psychoanalytic pedagogy (FAPP). From 1991 to 1994 she was a professor at the Psychological Institute of the Free University of Berlin in the Feminist Science department. From 1994 to 2007 she was professor of sociology with a focus on women and gender studies at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. There she was a co-founder of the degree program Women and Gender Studies and the Center for Interdisciplinary Women and Gender Studies.

Her main areas of work in research and teaching relate to the following subject areas: sociological and psychoanalytical-social-psychological gender research, in particular: analyzes of socialization and gender, social psychology of gender relations, gender relations in education and upbringing, and changed gender relations in families. Empirical studies with psychoanalytical-hermeneutic methods of text interpretation. Her publications on the adolescence of young women and men (partly together with Vera King ) belong to the basic literature of socio-psychologically oriented gender research . Another focus of her work relates to the chances of changing gender relations in families.


  • Member of the scientific advisory board of the Frankfurt Center for Eating Disorders
  • Member of the scientific advisory board of gender magazine. Magazine for Gender, Culture and Society

Fonts (selection)


  • Young people and their relationship to the body, Stuttgart 2019 (Kohlhammer)
  • New mothers - new fathers. An empirical study on changed gender relations in families, Giessen 2014 (Psychosozial-Verlag)
  • Together with Heike Fleßner, Angelika I. Müller, Juliane Ebene (Ed.): Family-friendly university. Data - Challenges - Perspectives. Oldenburg 2008 (BIS-Verlag)
  • Together with Kristina Hackmann, Irene Pieper-Seier, Stephanie Radtke: Professors in Mathematics - Professional careers and locations in the discipline. Bielefeld 2006 (Small Publishing House)
  • Together with Almut Kirschbaum, Dorothee Noeres and Heike Fleßner: Promotion of PhDs and Gender. On the importance of gender-specific selection processes in promoting doctorates at universities in Lower Saxony. Oldenburg 2005 (BIS Verlag)
  • Together with Vera King as editor: Male adolescence. Socialization and educational processes between childhood and adulthood. Frankfurt a. M./New York 2005 (Campus)
  • Body, sexuality and gender. Studies on the adolescence of young women, Giessen 2001 (Psychosozial-Verlag)
  • As editor together with Vera King: Female adolescence. On the socialization of young women, Frankfurt a. M./New York 1992 (Campus) (paperback edition Weinheim 2003, Beltz)
  • Professional orientations of teachers. An empirical study, Frankfurt a. M./New York 1989 (Campus)
  • Day nurseries, socio-educational institutions or detention centers? Frankfurt a. M./New York 1980 (Campus)

Articles in magazines and edited volumes

  • Dynamics in families with shared parenting in the couple relationship - tendencies towards traditionalization and potential for a new design of gender images and gender relationships. Results of a qualitative empirical study, In: psychosozial 1/2018
  • Young women, adolescence and homoerotic desire. Limitations despite extended options for action, In: Annelinde Eggert-Schmid Noerr u. a. (Ed.): Eerie and tempting. For the pedagogical approach to the sexuality of children and young people. Gießen 2017 (Psychosozial - Verlag), pp. 137–149
  • Equal gender relations in families and maternal employment - potentials of parenthood divided in the couple relationship. Experiences of mothers, fathers, daughters and sons, In: Annette von Alemann / Sandra Beaufays / Beate Kortendiek (eds.): Old and new inequalities. Dissolutions and reconfigurations of employment and family spheres, Gender Special Issue 4, 2016, pp. 108–123
  • New constellations for masculinity designs - potentials of parenthood divided in a couple relationship for development opportunities for boys and young men, In: Bettina Dausien / Christine Thon / Katharina Walgenbach (eds.): Gender - Socialization - Transformations. Yearbook Women's and Gender Studies in Education, Volume 11, Opladen / Berlin / Toronto 2015 (Barbara Budrich), pp. 147–162
  • Significance of traditional images of mother in families with parenthood shared in the couple relationship. Persistence tendencies and change processes, In: Helga Krüger-Kirn / Marita Metz-Becker / Ingrid Rieken (eds.): Mother images. Cultural-historical, socio-political and psychoanalytic perspectives. Giessen 2016 (Psychosozial Verlag), pp. 165–180
  • New constellations for identities for women - potentials of parenthood divided in a couple relationship, In: Analytical Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, Issue 165, XLVI. Vol., 1/2015, pp. 7-28
  • Puberty, Biology, and Culture: Experiences of Physical Change. In: Katharina Liebsch (Ed.): Youth Sociology. About adolescents, teenagers and new generations, Munich 2012 (Oldenbourg Verlag), pp. 135–152
  • Gender, care and the changed division of labor in families - shared parenthood and changes in family gender relations, In: Gender 3/2011, pp. 73–88
  • Male adolescence and addiction. In: Jutta Jacob / Heino Stöver (ed.): Men in intoxication. Constructions and crises of masculinity in the context of intoxication and addiction, Bielefeld 2009 (transcript), pp. 23–32
  • Women and gender studies as a process of self-change - professional developments at the intersection of sociology, psychoanalysis and women and gender studies. In: Vogel, Ulrike (Hrsg.): Paths to sociology and women and gender studies. Autobiographical notes from the first generation of female professors at the university. Wiesbaden 2006 (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), pp. 166–177
  • Feminism / Gender Studies. In: Lohmann, Hans-Martin, Pfeiffer, Joachim (Eds.): Freud. Manual. Life - work - effect. Stuttgart / Weimar 2006 (JBMetzler), pp. 383-395
  • Young men, adolescence, and family relationships. In: King, Vera / Flaake, Karin (ed.): Male adolescence. Socialization and educational processes between childhood and adulthood. Frankfurt a. M./New York 2005 (Campus), pp. 99–120
  • Together with Heike Fleßner: youth, gender and educational processes. In: Hafeneger, Benno (Ed.): Subject diagnoses. Subject, modernization and education. Schwalbach / Ts. 2005, pp. 135-157
  • Girls, Adolescence and the Impact of Bodily Changes. Family Dynamics and Social Definitions of the Female Body. In: European Journal of Women & # 39; s Studies 2005, Vol. 12 (2), pp. 201–212
  • Physicality and Sexuality in Adolescence of Young Women: Dynamics in the Father-Daughter Relationship, In: Psyche 5, 2003
  • Gender, Power and Violence. Openness to injury as a life-story formative experience for girls and young women. In: Dackweiler, Regina-Maria / Schäfer, Reinhild (Ed.): Relations of violence. Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Violence. Frankfurt a. M./New York 2002 (Campus), pp. 161–170

Lexicon contributions

  • Sexuality, In: Gudrun Ehlert u. a. (Ed.): Dictionary of Social Work and Gender, Weinheim and Munich 2011 (Beltz), p. 368
  • Psychoanalytical approaches, In: Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online (EEO), Gender Research, Gender Theoretical Basics 2009, (Juventa)
  • Handbook articles “Menstruation”, “Oedipal Scenario”, “Mothers (and Daughters)”, “Adolescence”, “Girls Research”, “Psychoanalysis”. In: Kroll, Renate u. a. (Ed.): Metzler-Lexikon Gender Studies. Stuttgart / Weimar 2002 (JB Metzler)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frankfurt Center for Eating Disorders. Retrieved December 14, 2017 .