Karin Radermacher

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Karin Radermacher born Galuschka (born February 10, 1945 in Ladenburg ) is a German politician ( SPD ) and was a member of the Bavarian state parliament .


Radermacher completed an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk and social worker before she graduated as a psychologist on her second educational path . She worked as a probation officer , in company social work and ran an elderly care school .

Karin Radermacher founded Pro Familia in Würzburg in 1983 and was chairman of this association for five years. Since 1992 she has been chairwoman of the workers' welfare association in Kitzingen. Until September 2004 she was also deputy state chairman of the Bavarian workers' welfare organization. From 1976 to 1990 Rademacher was chairwoman of the Würzburger Naturfreunde (now honorary chairwoman ). From 1996 to 2005 she was chairman of the development aid project Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Malihilfe eV (LAG Malihilfe). She is a member of the Ver.di union . Karin Radermacher lives in Würzburg, is married and has two grown daughters.


Karin Radermacher joined the SPD in 1965 and was a member of the local board, district board, sub-district board and state board. From 1972 to 1986 she was a councilor in Würzburg . On October 12, 1986, she was elected to the Bavarian State Parliament for the first time via the state list for the constituency of Lower Franconia (district of Kitzingen ), to which she belonged until 2008. From 1990 to 1994 she was chair of the committee for cultural policy issues and from 1994 to 1998 chair of the committee for education, youth and sport. In preparation for the Bavarian state elections on September 25, 1994, she appointed Renate Schmidt to her government team for education policy. In 1998 she was elected deputy chairman of the SPD parliamentary group. From October 2003 to October 2005 she was a member of the parliament's committee for the environment and consumer protection and from December 2004 to February 2007 she was deputy chair of the “Inquiry Committee of State Minister Monika Hohlmeier ”, which dealt with the “ Munich CSU affair ”. In terms of policy, the university and research as well as budget and finance were assigned to her. To state elections in Bavaria in 2008 , they did not stand for re-election.

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