Karl-Heinz Paulsen

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Karl-Heinz Paulsen (born December 2, 1909 in Hamburg ; † August 18, 1941 near Narwa ) was a German oceanographer and polar explorer .


Karl-Heinz Paulsen attended the upper secondary school on the Uhlenhorst until 1929 . He then began studying oceanography at the University of Hamburg , which he completed in 1940 with an oral doctoral examination. During World War II he served as a lieutenant in the infantry; most recently as a company commander of a machine gun company. In the summer of 1941 he fell on the Eastern Front .

Antarctic exploration

The German whaling fleet was assigned an oceanographer for each fishing season in the years before the Second World War. In the southern summer of 1937/38 Paulsen sailed the “ Jan Wellem ” into the Southern Ocean for the first time. Based on his experience, Alfred Ritscher appointed him to the expedition team of the German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39 the following year . Apart from a preliminary report, Paulsen could no longer publish his observations himself. After his death, the series of measurements were published in 1951 by the German Hydrographic Institute and the evaluation of them in 1958 by Fritz Model .

The Paulsen Mountains in Neuschwabenland ( East Antarctica ) were named after Karl-Heinz Paulsen.

Individual evidence

  1. K.-H. Paulsen: The oceanographic works. In: Annals for Hydrogeography and Maritime Meteorology 1939, August-Beiheft, pp. 29–33.
  2. ^ Fritz Model and Alfred Ritscher: Whaling trip "Jan Wellem" 1937/38 and German Antarctic Expedition "Schwabenland" 1938/39: Karl-Heinz Paulsen's series observations in the Antarctic-Atlantic Ocean . Series XII, No. 73. German Hydrographic Institute, 1951.
  3. ^ Fritz Model: Oceanography of the Weddell Sea. In: Scientific and aeronautical results of the German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39. Volume 2, Striedieck, Hamburg, 1958, p. 63ff.
  4. ^ Institute for Applied Geodesy (Ed.): Directory of German-speaking geographical names in the Antarctic Archived from the original on January 23, 2009. In: News from the mapping and surveying system . Special issue, 1993, pp. 1-30. Retrieved May 10, 2010.


  • Alfred Ritscher (Ed.): Scientific and aeronautical results of the German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39 . Volume 1, Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig, 1942, p. 28.
  • Alfred Ritscher (Ed.): Scientific and aeronautical results of the German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39 . Volume 2, Striedieck, Hamburg, 1958, pp. 63-64.