Karl Marx prospectus

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Karl-Marx-Prospect ( Russian Проспект имени Карла Маркса , Ukrainian Проспект імені Карла Маркса ) or Marx-Prospect (Russian Проспект Маркса ) is the name of several former member states of the Soviet Union. This name goes back to Karl Marx .


In Russia there are the following places that bear this name. Kamensk-Shakhtinsky


  • Marx Prospect existed in Moscow from 1961 to 1990
  • Karl-Marx-Prospek former name of the Sunday Boulevard (Russian Воскресенский бульвар ) in Veliky Novgorod
  • Karl-Marx-Prospek former name of Akuschinski-Prospect (Russian Проспект Акушинского ) in Makhachkala
  • Karl Marx Prospect Former name of the Great Sampsoniewskogo Prospect (Russian Большого Сампсониевского проспекта ) from 1925 to 1991 in Saint Petersburg
  • Karl-Marx-Prospect, formally abolished in 1969 name for a prospectus in Urizkoe in Leningrad Oblast


There are the following streets in Ukraine that bear this name.


In Azerbaijan there are the following streets that bear this name.