Karl Bucket

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Karl Eimer (born July 11, 1893 in Eschwege , † March 22, 1948 in Lauenburg (Elbe) ) was a German internist .

After studying medicine - interrupted by participating in the First World War - and obtaining his license to practice medicine in 1921, Eimer became an assistant at the University of Marburg in 1923 . He became a specialist in internal medicine . In 1933 he became an associate professor, in 1935 he took over the management of the internal department of the Stettin Municipal Hospital and in 1936 the management of the Medical Association and the Pomeranian District Office for Public Health .

In a large-scale experiment in Marburg he treated the overweight and obese individuals with raw food - diet (about 1000 g / d, very small amounts of olive oil, dried fruit and nuts) and reached in eight days, an average weight loss of four to five kilograms.

In 1920, Eimer was involved in the operation of the Marburg Student Freikorps against workers in Mechterstädt (see: Mechterstädt murders ). In June 1932 he joined the NSDAP and in 1933 the SA , where he rose to SA-Hauptsturmführer in 1937. He also belonged to the NSDÄB . He became head of the office for labor service of the Marburg lecturers. He was the university sports doctor. In November 1933 he signed the professors' declaration of Adolf Hitler at German universities and colleges .


  • Raw food as a nutritional and diet problem , Berlin / Marburg 1934


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