Karl Fix

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Karl Friedrich Fix (born August 14, 1897 in Kupferzell , † January 19, 1969 in Leutenbach ) was a German evangelist and founder of the people's mission of committed Christians .

Early life

Karl Fix grew up near Heilbronn . He trained as a textile merchant and shortly after graduating he took part in the First World War. After the war he married Hermine, b. Nübel, who died after almost ten years of marriage and left Karl with her son Wolfgang in severe depression . Fix now worked as a journalist for " Heilbronner Voice ", but got more and more health problems. He developed cirrhosis of the liver from excessive alcohol consumption.

In Kassel , in the early 1930s, Fix heard a sermon by the evangelist Emil Meyer , through whose writing "From Satan's Bane" he had already come to the knowledge of sin. Meyer's persistent prayer healed him mentally and physically. After his conversion, Fix initially put himself in the service of Meyer with his talent for writing.

The people's mission

On June 27, 1934, Fix founded the first community of the People's Mission in Berlin. She was banned just eight days later and now had to meet secretly. A little later the community was allowed to hold meetings again, but only under constant surveillance by the Gestapo .

After the Second World War , Karl Fix was released from American captivity in Heilbronn. It was here that Paula Gassner , who later became the founder of the BGG Stuttgart (now the Gospel Forum ), made contact with Fix. After a good five years of working together, Gassner Fix terminated the collaboration due to theological discrepancies. As a result, an independent community of the people's mission was founded in Stuttgart.

Together with Karl Keck from the Liebenzeller Mission , Fix founded numerous congregations, particularly in Baden-Württemberg. On January 19, 1969, Fix died unexpectedly in Leutenbach.


Karl Fix was primarily an evangelist. For him it was about the salvation of mankind, about the knowledge of sin and God. Everyone should hear about Jesus Christ . Because he was healed through Emil Meyer's prayer, the healing of the sick was also an important topic for him. He made it clear in his writings that church history is full of God's supernatural work. The baptism of faith, which can only follow the personal confession of faith, as well as the necessity of the baptism of the Spirit as a second event that must be separated from conversion, were important components of his teaching and life.


  • Dieter Hampel, Richard Krüger, Gerhard Oertel: The order remains. The Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden on the way into the third millennium , BFP-Selbstverlag Erzhausen, 2009
  • Bernhard Röckle: Born in difficult times. Karl Fix and the emergence of the people's mission of decided Christians , self-published by the people's mission of decided Christians Stuttgart, 2002 ( online at volksmission.de )