Karl Franz Klose

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Karl Franz Klose (* 1897 in Glatz , Glatz district , Province of Silesia ; † 1984 ) was a German photographer.

Karl Franz Kloste worked from 1940 to 1944 in the photographic archive in Wroclaw , which fell to Poland in 1945 as a result of the Second World War. After the expulsion, he was a full-time photographer at the Westphalian State Photo Agency in Münster from 1949 to 1965 .


  • The Silesian landscape. Ten times interesting country. 165 master recordings by Karl Franz Klose. With words from Arnold Ulitz, Ernst Schenke, Stefan Sturm, Hans Niekrawietz , Schlesien-Verlag, Breslau
  • German Beskids: 172 master recordings from the 3 Silesian Beskid districts , Schlesien-Verlag, Breslau

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