Karl Friedrich Andreas Jacobi

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Karl Friedrich Andreas Jacobi , also Carl Friedrich Andreas Jacobi , (born December 2, 1795 in Crawinkel , † June 28, 1855 in Schulpforta ) was a German mathematician and teacher.

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Jacobian figure with triangles ADB, BEC and CFA, angles of the same color are the same size

During his studies in Jena he became a member of the original fraternity . In 1817 he was a participant in the Wartburg Festival . From 1818 to 1819 he was vice rector in Brandenburg an der Havel and then until the end of his life professor of mathematics and physics at the grammar school in Schulpforta .

His younger brother Andreas Jacobi (1801-1875) also worked as a mathematician in Schulpforta.

Jacobi dealt with triangular geometry. The Jacobian figure is a triangle ABC with attachment triangles on the sides ( ), in which the neighboring angles in adjoining attachment triangles are the same. Jacobi proved that the transversals between the respective and the opposite corners of the triangle of origin ABC intersect at a point. This statement is known today as Jacobi's theorem. At Berkhan / Meyer and Florian Cajori he is counted with Karl Wilhelm Feuerbach , August Leopold Crelle and others among the mathematicians at the beginning of the 19th century in Germany who promoted triangular geometry, but whose work was carried out in the second half of the 19th century fell into oblivion.

In his work of 1825 he also gave a construction of the Brocard points of a triangle introduced by Crelle (rediscovered in 1875 by Henri Brocard ). They are defined as points inside the triangle, the lines connecting with the corners of the triangle form equal angles with the sides of the triangle.

In 1834 he published the Grondbeginsels der Meetkunde ( basics of geometry ) by Jean Henri van Swinden , published in Amsterdam in 1790 and 1816, with his own additions in German.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ G. Berkhan , W. Fr. Meyer : Neuer Dreiecksgeometrie , Enzyklopädie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften , III, AB 10, S. 1219. It can be found in Jacobi De triangulorum ... , 1825
  2. Hans Walser: 99 points of intersections , MAA 2006, p. 135
  3. ^ Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences, III, AB 10, p. 1179
  4. Florian Cajori : A history of mathematics , Macmillan 1919, Reprint American Mathematical Society 2000, p. 298
  5. ^ Henri Brocard (1845-1922) was a French army officer.