Karl Friedrich August Lehmann

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Karl Friedrich August Lehmann

Karl Friedrich August Lehmann (born April 16, 1843 in Zossen ; † April 8, 1893 in Berlin ) was a German stenographer and system inventor of stenotachygraphy .

Lehmann was born the son of a farmer. He attended the community school up to the age of 16 and also received lessons in modern languages ​​and music, both subjects for which he showed a special talent. The father died and Lehmann's stepfather denied him any education. At the end of the 1860s, he founded a factory for the manufacture of women's boot heels. From 1870 he turned to the writing subject. At the same time he also worked in the shorthand field. Uncertain economic circumstances and an unhappy marriage prevented him from remaining at the center of the shorthand school he founded. Most of his supporters turned against him, so that Lehmann was finally close to paranoid. In 1889 he married a second time, whereupon his circumstances finally improved.


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