Karl Glockner

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Karl Glockner

Karl Adolf Glockner (born November 10, 1861 in Freiburg im Breisgau ; † February 9, 1946 or 1956 there ) was a German lawyer and politician.

Glockner belonged to the National Liberal Party and later to the German Democratic Party . The doctor of law was appointed President of the Baden Administrative Court in Karlsruhe in 1913 . As a result, he was also a member of the First Chamber of the Baden Estates House .

As a member of the four-person constitutional commission, Glockner played a key role in drawing up the Baden constitution in 1918/1919 . In addition to the two highest-ranking judges in Baden, Johann Zehnter, President of the Higher Regional Court since January 1918, and Glockner as President of the Administrative Court , the Social Democrat Eduard Dietz and City Councilor Friedrich Weill from the Progressive People's Party belonged to this body.

Glockner was a member of the state parliament of the Republic of Baden from 1919 to 1929 .


  • Baden Constitutional Law, ed. by Karl Glockner, Karlsruhe 1930


  • Detlev Fischer : Legal history tours through Karlsruhe: Residence of the law. (= Series of publications by the Legal History Museum Karlsruhe. Issue 10), Karlsruhe 2005, ISBN 3-922596-65-7 .
  • The Baden Constitution of March 21, 1919 (Mannheim (ua), 1919, 1921)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Glockner Karl Adolf - detail page - LEO-BW. In: www.leo-bw.de. Retrieved December 21, 2016 .
  2. ^ Personal database of the state bibliography of Baden-Württemberg. In: www.statistik.baden-wuerttemberg.de. Retrieved December 21, 2016 .
  3. ^ Digital collection of Baden state parliament protocols at the Badische Landesbibliothek. List of members of both chambers