Karl Höing

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Karl Höing (* 1957 in Südlohn , North Rhine-Westphalia ) is a German textile designer and professor at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart .


Karl Höing studied textile design at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart from 1978 to 1984 under Leo Wollner . From 1979 to 1980 he completed a weaving training course at the Gottlieb Daimler School in Sindelfingen . After completing his studies as a qualified designer at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart, he worked as a colorist at Pausa AG in Mössingen from 1984 to 1985 . From 1985 to 1986 he was a scholarship holder of the state graduate support of the state of Baden-Württemberg . Höing has been working as a freelancer since 1986. Until 1996 he had a design office near Florence .

In 1991 Karl Höing was appointed professor and head of the textile design diploma course at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart. In addition to his work as a university lecturer, which emerged in exhibitions such as Active Ingredient (2001), Stoffrausch (2006) and Rauschlabor (2012), his personal work focuses on the design and implementation of textiles for the home and contract sector, especially the Production of woven and hand-knotted carpets. Höing's special research projects since 1994 include textile historical studies on liturgical textiles / paraments in village churches in Tuscany .


  • State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart / Section Design (Hrsg.): The general reference work of the Section Design: A documentation of the projects and work. Memories, experiences, opinions and reflections of former and current students and professors of the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart . Stuttgart: Institute for Book Design and Media Development of the SAdBK, 2010, pp. 409–507 ISBN 978-3-942144-11-7
  • Rauschlabor: Textile Design 2012 / Intoxication Lab: Textile Design Degree Program 2012 . Accompanying discussion on the occasion of the exhibition from April 25 to June 8, 2012 in Stuttgart, ed. from EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, 2012 [Texts: Walter Böhmler, Petra von Olschowski, Karl Höing] ISBN 978-3-934510-42-5

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