Karl Laube

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Karl Laube (born January 16, 1897 in Grünberg , Province of Silesia ; † June 21, 1973 ) was a German politician ( KPD / SED ) and resistance fighter against National Socialism .


The trained electric welder Laube joined the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) in 1923. 1927/1928 he acted as chairman of the KPD local group in Grünberg. At times he was also the political leader of the KPD sub-district of Silesia and a member of the district leadership of the KPD Silesia. From 1927 to 1933 he was a city ​​councilor in Grünberg and a member of the Provincial Parliament of Silesia. In the local elections in March 1933, Karl Laube was elected to the Grünberg city council together with the communists Fritz Laube and Georg Kraft. However, they were unable to take up their mandates because they were already detained.

During the Nazi era , Laube continued to work illegally for the KPD. He was imprisoned several times, most recently in 1944 in the Groß Rosen concentration camp .

After the end of the Second World War , Laube initially worked as a district administrator and local mayor. After moving to the SBZ , he became secretary of the KPD district leadership in Westprignitz . From August 1945 to February 1947 he was chief district administrator of the provincial government of the Mark Brandenburg.

At the joint conference of the KPD and SPD of the Westprignitz district and the city of Wittenberge on March 24, 1946 in Perleberg , Laube was elected, alongside Emil Klein, as the equal district chairman of the newly founded SED Westprignitz. Laube held the office of district chairman or first secretary of the district executive until 1950. 1954/55 he acted as second chairman of the SED district leadership Brandenburg / Havel-Land. From 1955 to 1973 Laube was a member of the district revision commission of the SED Potsdam , from 1958 to 1963 also its chairman. From 1958 to 1973 he was also a member of the Central Revision Commission of the SED.



  • Federal Ministry for All-German Issues (Ed.): SBZ biography . Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, Berlin 1964, p. 203.
  • Bernhard Bogedain: Streets that bear their name. Anti-fascists in Brandenburg: Karl Laube (1897–1973) . - In: Brandenburgische Latest Nachrichten (Brandenburg edition) of July 9, 1977, p. 8.
  • Friederike Sattler: Economic order in transition. Politics, organization and function of the KPD / SED in the state of Brandenburg during the establishment of the central planned economy in the Soviet Zone / GDR 1945–52 . LIT Verlag, Münster 2002, ISBN 3-8258-6321-2 , p. 943.

Individual evidence

  1. Viktor Lemiesz: Z dziejów antyfaszystowskiego ruchu oporu Środkowym Nadodrzu 1933-1945 . Książka i Widza, Warsaw 1973, p. 56.
  2. Jochen P. Laufer and Georgij P. Kynin (eds.): The USSR and the German question 1941–1949 . Volume 2: May 9, 1945 to October 3, 1946 . Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2004, p. 26.
  3. ^ Council of the city of Perleberg (ed.): 750 years of Perleberg. Worth knowing, interesting, thought-provoking . Perleberg 1989, p. 75.
  4. Andreas Herbst , Gerd-Rüdiger Stephan, Jürgen Winkler (eds.): The SED. History, organization, politics. A manual. Dietz, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-320-01951-1 , p. 856.