Karl Martin Baderle

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Karl Martin Baderle (born January 25, 1920 in Hollabrunn ; † February 16, 1991 in Vienna ) was an Austrian beetle collector and amateur entomologist .

Baderle had a large and precisely determined collection of beetles , including all families living in Austria. He went on numerous collecting trips. So he collected with Franz Baldia and Franz Legorsky in the Parnsdorfer Platte . The two beetles Carabus scheiderli baderlei Mandl and Staphylinus (Parabemus) baderlei Scheerpeltz were named after Baderle .


  • Erich Kirschenhofer: Karl Baderle †. In: Journal of the Association of Austrian Entomologists. Volume 43, No. 1-2, 1991, p. 62 ( PDF file ).

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