Karl Merz (painter)

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Karl Merz (born January 3, 1890 in Unterbaldingen , † March 10, 1970 in Donaueschingen ) was a German painter .


From 1907 Karl Merz was a student at the Karlsruhe Art Academy . In particular, Hans Thoma , Wilhelm Leibl and Wilhelm Trübner imprinted there the style of the painter. In 1909 he moved to the Stuttgart Academy , where he received various awards. In 1920 Merz returned to his homeland and founded the artist group “Painters and Sculptors Oberbadens” with Karl Bartels and Hans Schroeter. From the 1930s onwards, the painter devoted himself mainly to the landscape of the Baar-Alb. He lived in Donaueschingen , where his family is still based today, and died there in 1970.

Karl Merz was nicknamed "The Painter von der Baar", but he also painted in Switzerland , in major southern German cities, the Rhineland, in Westphalia and during the First World War also in the Balkans. His numerous works are widespread and mostly in private hands. The state of Baden-Württemberg acquired a “Baarblick vom Wartenberg”, and in the 1930s the Princely Collections not only offered Karl Merz a painting studio for a time, but also bought his works and promoted him.


  • Regional association Badische Heimat: Badische Heimat: my homeland: Journal for regional and folklore, nature, environmental and monument protection, Volume 51, Landesverein Badische Heimat, Freiburg, Br., 1971, p. 235.
  • Regional association Badische Heimat: Ekkhart: Yearbook for the Badner Land, Landesvereins Badische Heimat, Karlsruhe, 1973, p. 4.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e works by the "Painter von der Baar" in focus , Badische Zeitung from June 9, 2010 Website of the Badische Zeitung, last accessed on March 30, 2011