Karl Nördlinger

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Karl Nördlinger (* 1812 ; † January 24, 1896 in Ludwigsburg ) was a German engraver .

Karl Nördlinger was born as the eldest son of Julius Simon von Nördlinger and his wife Carolina Wilhelmine Johanna, b. Duttenhofer born. He received his training at the School of Fine Arts in Stuttgart and at the Academy in Munich . There he also devoted himself to painting. A study trip took him to Paris and Brussels , where he worked for the Italian engraver Luigi Calamatta . Influences of Calamatta, especially in the choice of motifs, can be proven over a long period of time in Nördlinger's work. With the work Portrait of Raphael in his youth he was apparently involved in the Exposition universelle of 1855 in Paris. Nördlinger mainly portrayed family members. At times he taught at the art academy in Stuttgart. Several pictures and copper engravings by Nördlinger are in the Reutlingen local history museum.

Web links


  • Werner Fleischhauer: The portrait in Württemberg 1760-1860 . Metzler, Stuttgart 1939, pp. 171-173.

Individual evidence

  1. https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de/ofs21/olf/struktur.php?Stock=6853&klassi=& AnzeigeKlassi= 004