Karl Ruge

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Karl Ernst Heinrich Ruge union politician

Karl Ernst Heinrich Ruge (born March 13, 1903 in Wandsbek ; † February 14, 1964 in Hamburg ) was a German trade union politician . He was from 1954 to 1964 a member of the board of the union employees Germans (DAG) today ver.di .


Karl Ruge became involved in trade unions and general politics from an early age. He was active in the German National Handicrafts Association (DHV) and was a member of the Bismarck Youth and the DNVP . In the time of National Socialism he joined the SA and NSDAP and was active in the vocational training of bank and administrative employees: Among other things, he was the editor in charge of the calendar “Der Bankkaufmann 1940” (specialist office for banks and insurance companies). In June 1942 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht , in November 1944 he was taken prisoner by the Americans, from which he was released in May 1946.

In 1950 Karl Ruge took over the position of professional group leader in the DAG. In 1954 he was elected to the board of directors of the DAG, on which he remained until his death, since 1960 as deputy chairman.


  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation: Archive of Social Democracy - DAG .
  • German WASt Office (13400 Berlin): GZ VI / 213 (V) / 2475/06 / Rie. Ruge, Karl (March 13, 1903)
  • Federal Archives: Party statistics survey 1939 of the NSDAP - Karl Ruge (membership number 2754905)
  • Federal Archives: Reichsschrifttumskammer - Karl Ruge full record manager (membership number 2584)
  • Family archive: Ingo-Rainer Heinroth - grandson Karl Ruge