Karl Silbereisen

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Karl Silbereisen (born October 12, 1901 , † February 17, 1974 in Hofheim am Taunus ) was a German chemist .

Karl Silbereisen studied chemistry in Gießen and Munich from 1921 . In Giessen he was a member of the Corps Teutonia . After graduating as Dr. phil. In 1930 he became a research associate at the Institute for Fermentation Industry in Berlin. In 1938 he completed his habilitation at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin. From 1939 to 1945 he did military service. In 1951 Silbereisen became a private lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin, in 1952 an associate professor, and in 1962 a full professor for chemical-technical analysis.


  • Hansheinrich Friedländer: corps table of the Corps Teutonia Giessen 1839-1999 . Giessen 1999, p. 615.

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