Karl Steinhäuser

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Karl Steinhäuser. Relief on a memorial stone in Mühlhausen / Thuringia

Karl Steinhäuser , also Carl Steinhäuser , (born May 8, 1823 in Frankenhausen , † March 13, 1903 in Mühlhausen / Thuringia ) was a German musician in Mühlhausen / Thuringia.


From 1858 Karl Steinhäuser was organist and royal music director at the St. Marien church in Mühlhausen. He was the choirmaster of the local men's choir "Arion". Steinhäuser composed a considerable number of works of choral music and chamber music as well as organ works that were published by the Beyer Music Publishing House in Langensalza. He also promoted the new construction of Wilhelm Sauer's large organ in the Marienkirche, a work from 1891 with a mechanical cone chest and 61 stops on three manuals.

Karl Steinhäuser is the great-grandfather of the church musician Walther Schmidt .


In 1998 the Karl-Steinhäuser-Weg was named in honor of Karl Steinhauser in Mühlhausen.


  • Wilhelm Steinhäuser: From the life of Karl Steinhäuser , Mühlhausen 1907
  • Wieland Meinhold : The work of Carl Steinhauser in Mühlhausen - an example of the job profile of Thuringian teacher cantors in the 19th century. (Dissertation) Druck & Verlag Mühlhäuser Druckhaus C. Schröter, Mühlhausen 2000

Web links

Commons : Karl Steinhäuser  - Collection of images, videos and audio files