Karl Stelter

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Karl Stelter
Compass on the Sea of ​​Life, 3rd increased edition, Berlin, 1872

Karl Stelter (born December 25, 1823 in Elberfeld , † May 13, 1912 in Wiesbaden ) was a German merchant and worked as a merchant in a silk weaving mill until 1880. He was also a member of the Wuppertal poets' circle , the Wuppertal Poets , as a poet and writer . This literary group saw itself as "free-spirited" and cheerful, in contrast to the strict, pietistic circles of Wuppertal. On the occasion of the coronation of Kaiser Wilhelm I , Stelter wrote a patriotic festival, which was performed in the Elberfeld City Theater, as well as an Kaiserlied . From 1880 he lived in Wiesbaden until his death. In 1903 his memoirs appeared under the title Experiences of an eighty-year- old .


  • Poems . 2 volumes. Elberfeld 1858. 3rd edition 1880.
  • The bride of the church , lyrical-epic poetry. Breslau 1858.
  • Compass on the sea of ​​life . 3. Edition. 1872.
  • From history and legend , narrative poetry. Elberfeld 1866, 2nd edition 1882.
  • Compendium of Fine Arts . Düsseldorf 1869.
  • Novellas . Elberfeld 1882.
  • New poems . Elberfeld, 1887.
  • Compass on the sea of ​​life . Anthology. 5th edition. Berlin 1892.
  • After seven decades . Poems. Elberfeld 1893.
  • Experiences of an eighty-year-old . Autobiography. Elberfeld 1903.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Riddle poems by Karl Stelter. In: janko.at. Retrieved July 16, 2016 .
  2. Stelter . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 18, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1909, p.  925 .
  3. Stelter . In: Brockhaus' Kleines Konversations-Lexikon . 5th edition. Volume 2, F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1911, p.  761 .
  4. Elise Polko, Julius Rüttger Haarhaus (ed.): Poet's greetings: Newer German poetry . 313-317. A thousand copies. Amelang, Leipzig, p. 372 ( digitized in the Google book search - no year [approx. 1922]).