Karl Vierath

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Karl Vierath (born February 29, 1884 in Berlin , † March 7, 1951 in Miersdorf ) was a communist German politician.


The trained printer joined the SPD in 1906 and joined the USPD after it was founded in 1917 . Here he belonged to the left wing, which at the end of 1920 merged with the KPD to form the VKPD .

The supporter of the “left” wing of the party around Ruth Fischer and Arkadi Maslow had been a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg district leadership of the KPD since 1922 and was elected to the Reichstag in May 1924 and again in December of the same year . Since there was an arrest warrant against him as a result of the Hamburg uprising , he had to go into hiding temporarily after the dissolution of parliament in autumn 1924. After the party leadership Fischer – Maslow was ousted by the Communist International , Vierath belonged to the left opposition to the new leadership around Ernst Thälmann . After the expulsion of his party friends Jakob Ritter and Georg Kenzler , he resigned from the KPD in solidarity with them in August 1927 and closed join the parliamentary group Left Communists .

After his parliamentary mandate expired, Vierath withdrew from active politics and worked for a death fund . During the time of National Socialism, Vierath was imprisoned several times for short periods of time.


  • Short biography in: Hermann Weber : The change of German communism. The Stalinization of the KPD in the Weimar Republic. Volume 2. Frankfurt / Main 1969, p. 331.
  • Vierath, Karl . In: Hermann Weber, Andreas Herbst : German Communists. Biographisches Handbuch 1918 to 1945. 2nd, revised and greatly expanded edition. Dietz, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-320-02130-6 .

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