Karl Wöber

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Karl Wöber (born April 1, 1964 in Vienna , Austria ) has been the founding rector of Modul University Vienna since 2007 and chairman of the Austrian Conference of Private Universities (ÖPUK) since December 2012.


After visiting the Tourist College module of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce , he studied 1986-1993 at the Vienna University of Economics (WU) Economics and received his doctorate in 1993 with honors Dr. rer. soc. oec.


1988–2007 Wöber worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Tourism and Leisure Management at WU Vienna, headed by Josef Mazanec , from 1988–1991 as a study assistant, 1991–2000 as a university assistant, and since 2000 as an associate professor. He has been to the United States several times for research stays and completed his habilitation at the WU Vienna in 2000 (with Venia docendi ) in business administration.

Since 1994 Wöber has been a consultant to European Cities Marketing , the European city tourism association, and the European Travel Commission , the association of national destination marketing organizations in Europe.

In 2007 he was appointed President , founding rector, of the English-language Modul University Vienna , which was founded by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce with the help of the City of Vienna and private partners . He also heads the master’s courses for international tourism and sustainable development at this private university.

Wöber has long been involved in the development of interactive tools to support management decisions, especially in the tourism industry. This includes questions of tourism statistics and their international survey and comparability.

The tourism marketing information system TourMIS , developed by him and his employees with the support of Österreich Werbung , which collects the number of overnight stays in countries and cities around the world and compares them according to the individual requirements of the user, was awarded the Ulysses Special Jury Prize in 2009 by the UNWTO , the United Nations World Tourism Organization Awarded in the category of innovations in tourism companies.


  • International Academy for the Study of Tourism
  • 2005–2008: Visiting Senior Fellow, School of Management, University of Surrey , England
  • since 2004: Senior Fellow, National Laboratory for Tourism and eCommerce, Temple University , Philadelphia , USA
  • since 2008: Tourist Research Center of the AIEST
  • International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST)
  • Board member, Austrian Society for Applied Tourism Science (ÖGAF)


Source: Europass

  • V. Croce, K. Wöber: Judgmental Forecasting Support Systems in Tourism. In: Tourism Economics. vol. 17, No. 4, 2011, pp. 709-724.
  • D. Wang, DR Fesenmaier, H. Werthner , K. Wöber: The Journal of Information Technology & Tourism: A Content Analysis of the Past 10 Years. In: Journal of Information Technology & Tourism. vol. 12, No. 1, 2010, pp. 3-16.
  • A. Ring, A. Dickinger, K. Wöber: Designing the Ideal Undergraduate Program in Tourism: Expectations from the Industry and Educators. In: Journal of Travel Research. vol. 48, 2009, pp. 106-121.
  • JA Mazanec, K. Wöber (Ed.): Analyzing International City Tourism. 2nd Edition. Springer, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-211-09415-0 .
  • Z. Xiang, K. Wöber, DR Fesenmaier: Representation of the Online Tourism Domain in Search Engines. In: Journal of Travel Research. vol. 47, No. 2, 2008, pp. 137-150. (Awarded by the Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence Award 2009)
  • A. Wolk, K. Wöber: Dimensions of Tourist Information Needs across Different European Destinations According to Search Terms Entered on a Tourism-Specific Search Engine. In: Journal of Information Technology and Tourism. vol. 10, No. 2, 2008, pp. 119-131.
  • P. Sheldon, DR Fesenmaier, K. Wöber, C. Cooper, M. Antonioli: Tourism Education Futures - 2010–2030: Building the Capacity to Lead. In: Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism. vol. 7, No. 3, 2008, pp. 61-68.
  • KW Wöber: Data Envelopment Analysis. In: Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. vol. 21, No. 4, 2007, pp. 91-108.
  • J. Mazanec, KW Wöber, A. Zins: Tourism Destination Competitiveness: From Definition to Explanation? In: Journal of Travel Research. vol. 46, No. 1, 2007, pp. 86-95.
  • DR Fesenmaier, KW Wöber, H. Werthner (Ed.): Destination Recommendation Systems: Behavioral Foundations and Applications. CABI, Wallingford 2006, ISBN 0-85199-023-1 .
  • A. Scharl, KW Wöber, C. Bauer: An integrated approach to measure web site effectiveness in the European hotel industry. In: Journal of Information Technology and Tourism. Volume 6, No. 4, 2004, pp. 257-272.
  • KW Wöber, DR Fesenmaier: A multi-criteria approach to destination benchmarking: A case study of state tourism advertising programs in the United States. In: Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. Volume 16, No. 2/3, 2004. (published simultaneously as a monograph by Haworth Press, 1-18. Awarded by the Martin Oppermann JTTM Article of the Year Award 2004. Reprinted also in Chinese in China Tourism Research. Volume 1, No. 2/3, pp. 330-350. ISSN  1812-688X )
  • KW Wöber: Information Supply in Tourism Management by Marketing Decision Support Systems. In: Tourism Management. Volume 24, No. 3, 2003, pp. 241-255.
  • KW Wöber: Benchmarking in Tourism and Hospitality Industries. The Selection of Benchmarking Partners. CABI, Wallingford 2002, ISBN 0-85199-553-5 .
  • KW Wöber: Standardizing City Tourism Statistics. In: Annals of Tourism Research. Volume 27, No. 1, 2000, pp. 51-68.

Individual evidence

  1. ÖPUK website ( memento from June 30, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on December 13, 2012.
  2. ^ Website of the tourism schools module of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  3. ^ Website of the Institute for Service Marketing and Tourism
  4. Message from May 28, 2009 on a website of Österreich Werbung
  5. ^ Website of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism
  6. ^ Website of the research center
  7. site AIEST
  8. the ÖGAF site