Karl Wassmannsdorff

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Karl Wassmannsdorff (born April 24, 1821 in Berlin ; † August 6, 1906 in Heidelberg ) was a gymnastics teacher in Heidelberg and with Carl Philipp Euler one of the two most important gymnastics and sport historians of the 19th century.


After graduating from the horror monastery he studied at the Berlin University of Berlin (since 1950 Humboldt University of Berlin ) Philology . He visited all the major gymnastic guides of the time, including Friedrich Ludwig Jahn . After studying and serving in the military, Wassmannsdorff was appointed to the grammar school in Basel , where Adolf Spieß already worked, with whom he worked closely. From 1847 he was gym teacher in Heidelberg, 1863, he was from the University of Jena to the Dr. phil. PhD. Based on his memorandum on the role of gymnastics, the gymnastics teacher training institute was founded in Karlsruhe in 1869. From 1864 he was a member of the board of the German Gymnastics Association . For his services he received the first class knight's cross from the Grand Duke of Baden . He researched, translated, and presented a large number of sports historical writings from the Middle Ages onwards and is thus - even if attributed to positivism - as the progenitor of German sports historiography.


  • Kazuhiko Kusudo: Karl Wassmannsdorff's contributions to the history of physical exercises in the Middle Ages and early modern times. In: Arnd Krüger , Bernd Wedemeyer-Kolwe (Hrsg.): Learn sports history from biographies. Festschrift for the 90th birthday of Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Henze. (= Series of publications by the Lower Saxony Institute for Sports History , Vol. 14). Lower Saxony Institute for Sports History Hoya eV, Hoya 2000, ISBN 3-932423-07-0 , pp. 104–115.

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Wikisource: Karl Wassmannsdorff  - Sources and full texts